
JAM Extreme 2

Yo ma peeps!

So I've been playing DDR Extreme 2 like a mofo lately. The songs are so amazing in it and I wish I had given it a chance when I first got it in the fall. They're so upbeaty and challenging and aaah, love it! If by some strange chance you don't know what DDR is, go immediately and find out because you're being deprived of super..ness. So, yeah, Heidi, get DDR Extreme 2. It's happy-go-fun.

Big shopping trip this Saturday with Lisa in Toronto! I've saved up some monies and I'm just gonna go and buy some gnarly stuff! That's right! Gnarly! With a G! !!!

I might be getting contacts tomorrow if I can make it into Brantford and can get them relatively quickly. I have enough monies for that too, so maybe I can finally rid myself of these glass things I have on my face.

Hmmm.. what else you say? I say my room's a mess and you were supposed to come clean it. No allowance for you. Like, seriously, what the hell happened to my room lol. If this is what working full-time does to one's sense of cleanliness, then my future husband is going to kick my ass once I start working. Ah well, I could beat him up. Yeah, I dunno. lol

Tomorrow I have an appointment to set up RSP's (RRSP?) and a savings account. Jam's an excited boy! I'm finally gonna get my finances in order and start saving some moolah so that I don't die of.. no money. Hahahaha HA!

So I don't wanna stop writing yet and you can't make me!

I think I'm going to set a word limit per month or per week or something so that I get some writing done. Maybe get 75,000 words done by the end of summer? Novels are about 75,000 words or more, right?.. right. I decide I'm right, and since all my decisions are right, it's right too. Right.

If anyone has the Rex Goudie music video for "Run", can they send it to me? He's yummylicious. Oh, for Liz, Rex Goudie was the runner-up for Canadian Idol this past year, so you should check him out if you have the chance. He's, like, WOO! Haha!

Holy crap.. it's STILL a mess! Why aren't you cleaning it? I'd even let you clean it while I slept, thus doing nothing! Sheesh.

Well, I'm off to bed I suppose. By bed, I mean watch a hundred episodes of Futurama and then me grumpy in the morning from lack of sleep. Hurrah!

Happy clover day!

--Four-leaf Jam


Blogger Maya said...

Ouch. You kept saying how bad DDRX2 was for so long and I was convinced I needed it anyway to complete the set. Then just like a couple days ago I finally reasoned with myself "You don't NEED it, it's ok. And it's bad so there's no reason to spend money on it." But now this! u.u The inner turmoil ensues.

Gee, thanks. =P

I guess there's no avoiding the inevitable, I was likely gonna buy it no matter what.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Maya said...

Oh and I'm glad you like it though, otherwise you would have wasted money. =(

10:05 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

Rex huh? Eh, he's okay ;) I'm more astonished by this "Canadian Idol." Is it just like American Idol? Have you seen American Idol?

11:57 AM  
Blogger Athena said...

I was going to remind you that you hate DDRX2, but you reminded yourself, so it's all good. Yay for extreme happy busy weekend of death!

5:36 PM  

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