
The Best and Worst Movies of 2006: Runner-up

The Best Movies of 2006: Runner-up

Thank You For Smoking

The spokesperson for big tobacco, who spins all the bad press aimed at the industry, attempts to continue doing his job to the best of his ability while staying a role model to his son.

This film is one of the best comedies to have been produced in years. Its dry, dark humour, first of all, is hilarious in so many ways. Everything and everyone, from a cancer patient to a zen office, give this film the dry hilarity such films as Lost in Translation have managed to give. The characters are so diverse, but so defined by the amazing writing and acting Thank You For Smoking has to offer. The lead, Aaron Eckhart, is relatively unknown but will not be that way for long. He gives the best performance in a comedy since.. ever. The cast supports and amplifies his tendencies and qualities, only furthering his amazing talent.

In a mass of slapstick "comedies", this film stands out above the rest as a film everyone should see, love, and laugh along with. A very close second-place to the best movie of the year.

Possible Oscar Nominations
Best Cinematography
Best Actor: Aaron Eckhart
Best Adapted Screenplay: Jason Reitman
Best Picture

The Worst Movies of 2006: Runner-up

The Sentinel

There's a traitor in the secret service, Michael Douglas is having an affair with the First Lady, and Eva Longoria is.. there.

Where do I start? The acting was horrendous and contrived. It looked like a fourth-grade play. Sutherland and Douglas (who in the movie have a silly feud and get all angry but then make up because this movie is as realistic as life!) give the worst performances of their careers. Actually, worse than a fourth-grade play. Maybe that's because the script was so ridiculous - every line was a cliché made to drive me insane. The tagline is "Let's do this"! SERIOUSLY! I'm not joking. The story was blatantly obvious, making its "twists" irrelevant. This film was a pathetic rendition of all other governmenty thriller-flicks that should not be seen by anyone. If I could go back in time and not watch it, I would. Oh Jebus, I would.


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