
The World is Full of Things

Hey everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the nog, the mistletoe, the snow (in most places), the Christmas alcohol, and all the rest of the fun things that come around this time of year! Big recap of my fun vaca coming up, so I'll break it down into some main points for ya. Enjoy!

There's All The People!
I got back on Monday and went up to Waterloo that night to visit Lindsay and my favourite manny couple, Steve and Kevin. It was so nice to see some of my friends again and relax like old times. Back to Brantford on Wednesday and had sleepy times at the mall with Athena. Thursday to Sunday I was in Hamilton which went so quickly, but it was so awesome to see everyone. Was drunk basically every night there, so I'm a little parched now. It's all worth it.

Saturday Night (and I like the way you move)
Saturday night (duh), Leanne and I hosted a party at her place. I invited all my people, from highschool until now, and had a decent turnout. I realized that I had left a bunch of mickeys at the house, so I had a mini-bar away from home (how Jamesque of me) to drink up. We made a huge dinner (as in Leanne did and I was the bumbling sidekick) and it was probably the best turkey I have ever ingested. The ingestion was so amazing. It was like perfect ingestion.

Afterwards, we all drank our faces off and tried to wake up after the amazing ingestion of the turkey. Natalie and Leon showed up late, but somehow managed to drink unbelievable amounts and become the drunk ones that night. (Lindsay and I are very proud of you guys!) After the party we went to the good ol' reliable Embassy and danced up a big ol' gay storm. Natalie and I ran around and saw every inch of that place, including a staircase where the lights turn off randomly (and we scream very loudly), and a door that may or may not lead to a bathhouse (and a description to Natalie of what a bathhouse is). I have to make it very clear that Natalie was extremely drunk (basically because she said "you don't have to post that on your blog"), but was amazing and I miss her already!

Family Matters
I visited my Nana in the hospital because she fell and broke her hip and her arm. She's a big clutz. The first thing I said was "what the heck are you doing in here" and it made her happy. I think she was really happy to see me because her and I see eye-to-eye on most things, and it was nice to see her too. I rode around in her wheelchair a bit. It was surprisingly fun!

Christmas Day I surprised my awful family in the morning and spent the whole day with them. I even went to church with them. Have you been to church in a while? If you haven't, you should go and tell me if you think it's creepy. I kind of think it is. I have no problem with religion and all that, but they were talking in unison, reading the bulletin and spewing monotone phrases after the minister. It was disturbing. Afterwards, the entire congregation came to talk to me and find out who I was, how they could convert me, and why I'm a heathen. I said "oh my god" at one point, and said "Oh my god, I'm going to hell!" and then realized I said it again. This went on for about 45 seconds during a hymn I wasn't singing. Good times. After church I went to my aunt's and surprised some more family, which is always fun.

On a side note, it was determined that my step-mom is a crazy nut. Josh, my younger brother, has a girlfriend of about a week, and he (for whatever reason) told his mom. The first thing she asked was her religion. When answered by "catholic", she responded with "Won't that be difficult when you have kids?" Ya. This is what I deal with. I yelled at her quite a lot. "I wasn't trying to lecture him." I don't care. You're dumb and intrusive and judgemental and disgusting. The end. ..lol. Then she asked me if I would tell her that kind of stuff and I said "Um, no." She seemed upset. I am happy.

Rolling Around
I'm now back after the fastest nine days of my life in Newfoundland with Athena. We've been relaxing and shopping and stuff. Nothing very stressful or remotely stressful because, hello, I just dealt with the fam. We've been addicted to this game Athena got me for Christmas called Katamari. You roll stuff up. That's the game. It's so addictive and I don't think I'll ever stop playing. It hurts my brain. I even dream about it. Go look it up. Go now!

--Jam the bumbling sidekick

Oh yeah! Wait, don't leave yet! WAIT NO! NOOOOOO!

..anywho, I told Josh I'm gay. He said he already knew because he saw my guy picture on my wall once, lol. Observant little boy! Well, he's taller than me, so not really little. Whatever. Anyway, yay for a teeny bit of fam knowing. Yeeeehaw!


Blogger Maya said...

haha Katamari rocks and so do wheelchairs. You should try a sportsy one like my brother's. So. Much. Fun. I go whipping down the street. <3

2:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the 'fam' doesnt knooow? congrats for telling him! i bet its a relief... yes? no?

cant wait to seeeee youuuuuu.... :D

8:23 PM  

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