
Beep Beep Beep Beep

Mornin'! If I was in person, I'd be waving a big ol' hearty wave at your face. Wouldn't that be amazing? Thrilling, more like.

Anyway hi! I'm so sorry I've neglected you folk for, like, a week. I guess it's not that long, but I'm such a giving blogger that I feel responsible for any sadness you've experienced in the last week. Forgive me, PLEASE! Spanks.

So, I'm in a very all-over-the-map mood right now. I just woke up from a riveting evening. I got home from work, turned on an old episode of Top Model (because obviously I'm watching old seasons online because it's fabulous), ate some macaroni salad and some Mini Crunch'ems, and totally fell ridiculously asleep on my little loveseat couch for four hours. Four hours is not a nap, people. It's sleep. I just slept away my whole evening. I had planned on my friend Cindy calling me to go for Starbucks, but she never called. Lovely. So now it's 9.30, I've had no social interaction besides the bank, and I'm full of macaroni, pickles, milk, and no-Bucks.

Well, I did have some interaction this morning. This was my morning.

*dreaming of being lost in an Anthropology building at MUN... now, just jump up those stairs and you'll find the prof fo-BEEP-r the th-BEEP*

*Jam sits up and doesn't have a clue what's going on*
"It's over there."
"AH!" Oh, it's him.
*Jam runs over to the alarm clock across the room in tiny gym shorts he borrowed.*
*Jam fumbles with the clock for at least thirty seconds of horrible morning clock-beeping.*
"I can't find the off button!"
"It's on top."
He's really sleepy. Does he know what he's talk- "Oh, here it is." *click*

I know that wasn't the most coherent dialogue segment, but I tried to get across exactly what my brain was going through. It was all so random and loud and crazy. It was nice, though, waking up in a bed with someone I am beginning to care for, even if I had to go to work in a torrential rainstorm.

Anyway, about him, he's 26, a hairdresser, and I've liked him for a long time. I've known him here for over half-a-year and we've only went out a couple times but it's felt so natural. We've been having so much fun rather than being awkward around one another. If it continues, I'll tell the story of how I came onto him because I think it's cute. Then again, it may be psycho-drunk-strange, but whatever. What's important is he does something to me that makes my heart stop and my stomach leap. I haven't really felt like that (and I think he feels it back) for a long time.

Well cowboys and cowgirls, it's time for me to go to bed. Again.


EDIT: I forgot to mention the other thing that has to do with "beep". In Newfoundland, there is this noise that people make instead of saying "ya" or "mmhmm". It's this beep in the back of one's throat, like a short "mp". Here's an example, in dialogue format, as I know that worked so well earlier.

Jam: So I met this adorable boy. When I saw him I was like "damn", ya know?
Newfie: Mp.
Jam: So I started talking to him, like, cause he's hot...
Newfie: Mp.
Jam: ...stop beeping at me.

Like that. It's weird and irritating. I've picked it up because all my co-workers do it unknowingly and the only people I've been associating with lately is them. I'm now making a conscious effort to stop doing it, which I'm sure looks like extreme constipation during a conversation. Oh well, it's better than beeping at people, right? Mp.


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