
E-Talk Daily

As much as the title days daily, it's more like twice-weekly, just for the record.

Every now and again, I go on gay.com to chat with idiots. I'm not looking for idiots, mind you, but they seem to find me, like the flu or tequila. I chatted to a guy last night who was, just, wow. I forgot to copy the conversation for all of you to read (sorry) but he would talk a little, in broken dumbass English, about nothing and then about how hot I am, followed by a smiley face with its tongue sticking out. It went on and on.

*reenactment of chat nut, take one million*
Jam: So what do you do?
Guy: i work u?
Jam: I'm doing my degree at Memorial in English.
Guy: ur so hot omg.
Jam: Thanks.
Guy: :P
(Jam: ...)
Jam: So what do you do for work?
Guy: i work at convergys
(that's a call centre, for those of you who don't know)
Jam: Ah, and what do you want to do post-Convergys?
Guy: get the fuck out lol
Jam: Okay.
Guy: mm ur hot
Jam: Um, thanks.
Guy: :P
Jam: Well, I think I'm going to head to bed now.
(total lie--I just need to stop talking to him or my brain will explode.)
Guy: me 2 but i have to take care of somethin first lol
Guy: :P
(Jam: ...oh lord.)
Guy: do u have msn?


Anyway, to turn things around, I met a fantastic guy online yesterday as well. He's hot, he's 22 (enough of these twenty-year-olds. Eh? Eh?), he's finishing a degree in fine arts, and he's completely monogamous. He also likes Pokémon and makes dance routines with his friends before he goes to a club and then does them during the song.

He's as geeky as me! Like, holy god, marry me and have my babies.

Anyway, the problem is he's in Toronto. Yeah. Now that I've moved away from Toronto, I meet a great guy in Toronto. Super.

Life is taunting me. I'll get you Life, and your little dog too!

Er, something.

The end!



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