
Pass the Nuts

Just a nut to fill your day. I'm totally developing an allergy to these ones. Enjoy!

boyseattle1269: hi
Me: Hey, how's it going?
boyseattle1269: good u
Me: Not bad thanks.
boyseattle1269: u single
Me: I believe my profile says I am, yep.
boyseattle1269: u want a ltr
Me: Hahaha uh, I do, in theory, but I don't know you.
(Then he stopped talking. SO weird. Oh, and an "ltr" is long-term relationship. Yes, I always just ask random people if they would like a long-term relationship. Totally normal.)

Also, I bitched out this guy in the "love and relationships" room (the things I do when I have insomnia just to see the whackjobs) because he was being a tard. I said "Who died and made you overlord of this realm?" to which he responded "Maybe you should." I then said "Oh, so I'm overlord now? Good. Then you're banished." and he left! Then all the people were happy and we had a running joke for a good hour about me being overlord and them being my vassals. I had to step down though because it was really boring in there. What a boring kingdom.


PS: I'm still alive. Life is ridiculously busy, so I'm just trying to get through everything with all of my brain still intact. Blog will come. Give 'er time.


Blogger Athena said...

I LOVE that that guy banished you by leaving.

1:28 AM  
Blogger Athena said...

Ahaha, I just read this again. 1) I'm blonde. 2) What actually happened was WAY funnier.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Maya said...

Disgaea nerd.

5:39 PM  

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