
Movie Review: The Stepford Wives

A disappointment at best, I just cannot hide my true feelings about this film any longer. Although I hyped it up, I must now hype it down.


Joanna Eberheart (Nicole Kidman) is a successful television exec who, through certain circumstances, must leave her career. In an attempt to save her marriage with her husband Walter (Matthew Broderick), she moves her and her family to Stepford, a seeminlgly perfect town.

When she tries to make an effort with the local women, she comes to a realization that they are all far too perfect, and something is wrong, either with them, or with herself. She befriends Bobbi Markowitz (Bette Midler), a well known author, and Roger Banister (Roger Bart), a gay architect, who both also notice the strange happenings in Stepford.

As Joanna's friends become unlike themselves and more like Stepford, Joanna begins to compromise her trust in her husband, and her faith in humanity.

Which Characters I Enjoyed

Bette Midler played the part in this film, and fit the part perfectly. A blunt, crude woman who doesn't care to fit in. She would rather change every person in Stepford to be like her than to fit in to their norms. She is one of the only truly funny characters, and the movie would be even more a flop without her.

Glenn Close delivers the best performance that this movie has to offer. She is strong and amazing, and the end of the film shows her at her best.

Which Characters Stank Like Poo

Matthew Broderick, who I was looking forward to watching in a film, seems to have showed that no, he still can't act. He's replaced his cute face from Ferris Buller's Day Off for emotionless, dry "acting". I don't blame him entirely, however. The script wasn't a lot to work with.

What to say about Christopher Walken. He's old. Like, really, really old. And needs to retire. Possibly right away. Cause he can't act anymore. Like, at all. I won't even go into it. He was bad.

Before I Get to "Overall"...
**Caution, my rantings in this section may contain spoilers, if you care!**

So, it has been 15 hours since I saw the film, and I am left with lots of questions. The main one being "Why did they change the ending?" I know they did! You can tell!!! They're robots through the entire film, but in the end, it was just microchips? Then how did the one woman go out of control LIKE A ROBOT? And how did Bette Midler burn her hand and not feel it, LIKE A ROBOT? And how did Faith Hill dispense money from her mouth LIKE A ROBOT? Stupid idiots.


All in all, I'm extremely disappointed. The more I think of the film, the less I enjoy what I saw. Was it humourous? Sure. Was the humour enough to cover up the horrible script and bad acting by a lot of the stars in this film? Absolutely not.

One thing this film did do for me is want to see the original, made in the 70's. Then maybe I can see what this movie should have looked like. The one thing I did love was the trailer. I watched it like 100 times! It was suspenseful, and the humour in it seemed subdued, like it should have been.

5/10 - I think I'll go watch the trailer...


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