
GameCube Symphony

So recently I've been playing a game of Heidi's called Tales of Symphonia. I watched her play it for about an hour, all the while saying "this looks so dumb!". After the hour or so, I wanted to start my own game. Not sure why, probably subliminal messaging. That was on Monday, and since then, I have clocked twenty-seven hours of game time. 27. I'm a freak of nature.

I mean, I just played for about 5-6 hours because I'm so incredibly addicted. Who needs cocaine or food when you can be addicted to a video game? I tell ya, it's subliminal messages.

Anywho, I need bed now. Try the game out if you have a GameCube! Then you can be as nuts as me!

--Gaming-All-Night Jam

Hero of the Day: Heidi, for giving me the game to play. This also makes you the villain of the day since I'm completely addicted, but oh well! :P I'll overlook it.


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