
Social Graces and Mental Cases

Morning, oh glorious, but freezing world!

So first off, I had a couple crazy-ass dreams last night, and since you all love hearing about them, I'm gonna tell them!

First one was back at the office where I worked over the summer. I went back to visit or something and they had remodeled the entire place with a huge staircase and everything, but I didn't seem to notice or care. Anyways, I was handing out my textbooks, because people needed them or something. This bitch that was in my office stopped me to deliver mail, and because I'm nice, I delivered it. For some reason I was running and then I was running up that huge staircase and I said "time for a nap" and everyone found that really funny (not sure why) and I sat down. Didn't nap though. Go figure. Then the other two summer students were at the bottom of the stairs calling to me, and they were like "Angela got a 98! That's only two off perfect!" And then we all laughed, really really laughed. Like one of those laughs that hurt and are almost a scream. And that's the end of that one.

The second one was that I was living on some street in suburbia, and I was like 40.. but I had a rocking chair and seemed to be retired. I was very much single and bitter about it, and my dog *ew* came out onto the porch and died. I said "OUCH!" like really loud, and had this weird gameshow-host-smile on my face. Then I was looking across the street and Mike P and Mike B were married and had kids and were like running around the lawn with them laughing and stuff. And then I woke up.

So yeah, not sure what any of that has to do with anything, besides the fact that I used to date one of those Mikes and I wanna date the other one. Bah. Damn too many Mikes in this world.

About my day yesterday, worked on that damned essay, and went to class. I went to my philosophy seminar, which went well as all my seminars normally do. I seem to be noticing that I'm more of a social person than I sometimes give myself credit for. I use humour to get people's attention and to get my point across. As long as I can remember, I've been making people laugh in an otherwise serious conversation, which has always worked. I wonder why that is? That I can use humour, where others can't? Where does that come from? Hmmm, the mysteries of Jam.

Well anyways, I'm going to go play Tales of Phantasia for a couple hours, and then head to the mall to meet up with Di and At. I'm craving one of those burgers from A&W, but I know it will make my tummy hurt. OUCH!

--Social Jam

Hero of the day: Nat, for putting up for the tired goof that I was last night. My instep could have been sixty inches! You just don't know! At least I don't own a gross dirty teddy bear!


Blogger Paixão said...

YAY mister D!!!! hehe

12:44 AM  
Blogger Maya said...

It's not Tales oh Phantasia! That's one of the one's for PSX! It's Symphonia! Duh!

2:22 PM  

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