
Primitivity and Simplicity

Afternoon, oh glorious world!

So I was talking to a friend of mine and he was saying that it was weird that I liked "A Wish" on the Secret of Mana soundtrack (for those of you losers who aren't up on your video game soundtracks, it's a very simple song played in high keys with flutes that sounds very wintery and sad). He said that it was because it was very primitive sounding, and I'm anything but. Even if that were true, which I could debate that may not be the case, those cultured people who are not primitive can still enjoy things that are truly breathtaking in their simplicity.

He also thinks that there are people that are more simple than others, which I completely do not believe is the case. I'm trying to think of someone who would be considered "simple" and all I think of are airheads. But don't those people have inner workings and make conscious decisions that we see that are anything but simple? I think it's giving the human race a little less credit than it deserves.

In other news, I went to Rendezvous last night and actually had a decent time. Craig's friend was disgusting and I hope I don't see him in the near future, but the food at Perkins was really good (as usual). I think they have angels and pixies making their food. That would make it taste good, right? Right??.. right.

Anyways that's all. I have an urge to compose some primitive music now, but my stupid computer keeps crashing my program! *tear*

--Primitive Jam


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