
Mixed Chat Nuts

Okay, everyone, this is why I should not chat online. Crazy nutjobs message me and start ranting about things. The first is a guy I talked to tonight and I would like to say on my behalf that I am very fond of baby seals, but I am also realistic. The second was with a guy in December and it was something to do with movies. All I have to say is that people are NUTS. Enjoy! (PS: I am "The_Bobbing_Cat" after my little bobble-head cat thing that I lost... lol)

March 29, 2006: The Crazy Nut
nocturn-aerial: newf, you need some sun..u
and your pale sister

The_Bobbing_Cat: at least I don't need an
attitude adjustment, and I'm not a newf,
but nice try, AND she's not my sister

nocturn-aerial: u look like a newf

nocturn-aerial: u look inbred

The_Bobbing_Cat: I don't care what I look like,
you look like a grumpy ass, and oh wait,
you message a random person to tell him
he looks pale, so you ARE a grump! Us
inbreds are perceptive

nocturn-aerial: maybe you need to support the
mass slaughter of more seal babies

nocturn-aerial: you stupid canadian

The_Bobbing_Cat: wow that's clever, seeing
as I'm not from Atlantic Canada, I really
have never even seen a seal, so try again

nocturn-aerial: you are in newfoundland you

nocturn-aerial: and the seal hunt is happening

The_Bobbing_Cat: Am I? Did you read my

nocturn-aerial: and you have done nothing to
stop it

The_Bobbing_Cat: Where in it does it say that
I'm from Newfoundland

nocturn-aerial: u are in the newf room,

The_Bobbing_Cat: Wow, and so are you! Are
you from Newfoundland?

nocturn-aerial: as a canadian what have you
done to stop the seal hunt

nocturn-aerial: i am here working, prick

nocturn-aerial: canadian scum allowing the
seal hunt

The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL you are INSANE, I'm
allowing it because I'm not doing
anything, from ONTARIO, to stop it?

nocturn-aerial: yeah, you could protest it

nocturn-aerial: make calls

nocturn-aerial: write letters

nocturn-aerial: assuming you know how to
write or dial a phone

nocturn-aerial: they are babies you moron

The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL so do you message
every random person and start attacking
them about seal hunts? Frankly, I haven't
given much thought to it because I am
very very close to helpless when it comes
to stopping something like that, and the
time or energy to make an efficient stand
is beyond what I can do, so get a grip,
whoever the hell you are or think you are

nocturn-aerial: helpless...

nocturn-aerial: you are using a computer..you
can easily write an email

nocturn-aerial: they are not even two weeks
old and they are clubbing them to deah

nocturn-aerial: death

nocturn-aerial: they are too young to swim

The_Bobbing_Cat: ooh an email! oh boy lol
well while I'm at it, I'll email every single
other horrible thing that is happening
thousands of miles away and fix that too,
because an email will change the world

nocturn-aerial: its sick what you are allowing to

The_Bobbing_Cat: I think it is horrible, but get
a grip on reality

nocturn-aerial: but, its happening not a
thousand miles away..but, out your front

nocturn-aerial: reality is if enough people do
something it will end

nocturn-aerial: thats reality

The_Bobbing_Cat: I live in Hamilton, unless
seals are made of dirt and buildings, it's
not on my door step

nocturn-aerial: its not a thousand miles away

nocturn-aerial: lazy bastard

The_Bobbing_Cat: and unfortunately, my life
goal is not to save the seals, sorry to the

The_Bobbing_Cat: SHUT UP OMG WHO THE

nocturn-aerial has been added to your
persistent ignore list

**I went kinda nuts at the end because I realized he called me a lazy bastard for whatever reason.. sheesh.**

December 15, 2005: The Movie Man Who Hates Money.. or something

**We were talking about King Kong at first, and he doesn't show his craziness for a little while, but keep reading.. you'll see.**

ennis_d_mar: no way

ennis_d_mar: crappy?

The_Bobbing_Cat: oh my god yes lol the
whole theatre thought so, at least from
what I heard from people talking after the

ennis_d_mar: huh?

ennis_d_mar: what was there to hate? it was
simple fun

The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL it was excrutiatingly
long, it was cheesy, drawn out, and I
wanted to mute that blonde chick after the
500th time she screamed lol

The_Bobbing_Cat: simple, yeah. fun, not so
much lol

ennis_d_mar: well the vast majority of critics
disagree and so do i

ennis_d_mar: anyway go see BrokeBack
Mountain when it comes out

The_Bobbing_Cat: well good for you lol I'd
check Rotten Tomatoes in a couple
weeks, I doubt the verdict will me very

The_Bobbing_Cat: Yeah I can't wait to see that

The_Bobbing_Cat: and Memoires of a Geisha

ennis_d_mar: BBM is one of the best films I've
ever seen in my life

The_Bobbing_Cat: you already saw it>

The_Bobbing_Cat: how? the Toronto Film

ennis_d_mar: yup

The_Bobbing_Cat: ahhh lucky!

The_Bobbing_Cat: Yeah I can't wait to see it

ennis_d_mar: I have an 'in' there - hehe

ennis_d_mar: coming out Friday in TO

The_Bobbing_Cat: lol very nice

The_Bobbing_Cat: I leave for Barbados Friday
so I'll have to see it when I get back lol

ennis_d_mar: nice!

The_Bobbing_Cat: haha yeah, Brokeback can
definitely wait

ennis_d_mar: I can't wait to go see it a couple
more times

The_Bobbing_Cat: it's that good eh? wow

The_Bobbing_Cat: best movie I think I've seen
this year was Crash or The Corporation..
we'll see if Brokeback can top them

ennis_d_mar: I NEVER cry and after watching
BBM - even the trailer makes me tear up

ennis_d_mar: Corp was good I agree

ennis_d_mar: Crash was a little thick

The_Bobbing_Cat: thick? how so

ennis_d_mar: it was like an Oprah episode at

The_Bobbing_Cat: hah well yeah, it did force a
message, but I think it was very very well
done and some of those scenes I was in
so much shock I think I choked lol

The_Bobbing_Cat: Heights was really good

ennis_d_mar: I didn't see that one

The_Bobbing_Cat: it was intense.. has Glenn
Close and James Marsden

The_Bobbing_Cat: I think of it as what Closer
should have been

ennis_d_mar: still haven't seen that either

The_Bobbing_Cat: ah, it was dirty lol not my
fave, but some people seemed to like it

The_Bobbing_Cat: I'm James, by the way

ennis_d_mar: Justin here - good to meet you
James. Most ppl here unable to hold a

**Yep, I'm able to hold a conversation.. even with a crazy person! It starts very soon, I swear!**

ennis_d_mar: commercial for Kong on tv -
WAIT the T Rex part!!! there were THREE
of them!!

The_Bobbing_Cat: I noticed lol gay.com is
more my type of place to come and chat in
the rooms and argue with people who
don't have a clue what they're talking
about, for entertainment purposes lol

The_Bobbing_Cat: Yeah, three... ooooh lol

ennis_d_mar: Skull Island was awesome!
You can't deny that!

The_Bobbing_Cat: well the entire concept was
neat, sure.. but everything about it was
drawn out

The_Bobbing_Cat: ick, that cavern full of bugs
though was just icky lol they lost points
with me just for having that scene lol

ennis_d_mar: drawn out?? Did you even see
Lord of the Rings??

The_Bobbing_Cat: haha you're talking to
someone who seems to have a trend with
Mr. Jackson's films lol

ennis_d_mar: George Lucas would die to be
HALF as good as Peter Jackson

The_Bobbing_Cat: can't say I'm much of a fan
of either of them

ennis_d_mar: I loved L of the R

ennis_d_mar: HATED the new Star wars films

The_Bobbing_Cat: yeah, I'm definitely in a
minority when it comes to LOTR

The_Bobbing_Cat: and I refrained from seeing
SW altogether

ennis_d_mar: made the right choice

The_Bobbing_Cat: lol good to know.. some of
my friends would disagree, but oh well :P

ennis_d_mar: they LIKED star wars???

ennis_d_mar: If any of my friends like it I would
never talk to them again

The_Bobbing_Cat: yeah, I have some friends
who are all up in that.. for some reason

The_Bobbing_Cat: hahahaha

The_Bobbing_Cat: well I mean all of the films
have done well, so there must be some
redeeming qualities?

ennis_d_mar: hol shit

ennis_d_mar: In The Mood For Love is on

The_Bobbing_Cat: what's that

ennis_d_mar: wait - because I film makes $$$
it must be good???

ennis_d_mar: no

ennis_d_mar: sorry

ennis_d_mar: It's a Wan Kar Wai film

The_Bobbing_Cat: no, but it must have a
reason that people went to see it, and
went to see it more than once

ennis_d_mar: yeah and there must be a
reason americans vote for Bush

The_Bobbing_Cat: there must be something
good about it, and I mean that can't be
denied because it grosses tons of money,
and people wouldn't support something
they don't enjoy

The_Bobbing_Cat: exactly, there must be

ennis_d_mar: again - doesn't make it good

The_Bobbing_Cat: I didn't say that

The_Bobbing_Cat: I said it must have
redeemable qualities

The_Bobbing_Cat: which it must

The_Bobbing_Cat: I never said it must be
good, because if I thought that, I would
have seen it

ennis_d_mar: "redeemable' to children or
non-discerning audiences

The_Bobbing_Cat: to anyone.. if we sat down
and watched them, I'm sure we could pull
out the reasons why OTHERS like it, if we
studied it hard enough lol

ennis_d_mar: you can do that with ANYTHING

The_Bobbing_Cat: I KNOW

The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL

ennis_d_mar: so it's REDUNDANT

ennis_d_mar: that

ennis_d_mar: that 'in' I have at the film festival
- is me - so I take films seriously

The_Bobbing_Cat: lol you're missing my point
I guess, hard to communicate by text

The_Bobbing_Cat: well great, I take films
seriously too and I don't have an in

ennis_d_mar: you think Star Wars has

ennis_d_mar: redeemable qualities

ennis_d_mar: your issue is RHETORICAL not

The_Bobbing_Cat: but I know it does because
why would millions of people go see
them? There has to be something about
those movies that is drawing them in

ennis_d_mar: Of course there is BUT NOT

ennis_d_mar: art isn't DEMOCRATIC

The_Bobbing_Cat: lol well you can't say that
because that is ridiculous, even though I
didn't like King Kong, I can still say it had
quality in different parts.. so for you to say
there was no quality in Star Wars is very
ignorant, think about what you're saying

ennis_d_mar: what? that people are stupid?

ennis_d_mar: sorry - they are

The_Bobbing_Cat: stupid people can't like
things? lol so Star Wars, if this is what you
believe, is directed at stupid people, it
must have qualities that make it likeable
to the less intelligent.. now that statement
is obviously false, but if that's what you
believe, then sure

ennis_d_mar: by your definiteion EVERY FILM

ennis_d_mar: definition

The_Bobbing_Cat: NO NO NO lol I'm not
saying the film as a whole was good, I am
saying that every film, especially those
that do well like Star Wars, must have
redeemable qualities, like anything does

The_Bobbing_Cat: I never said the film was

The_Bobbing_Cat: ever ever ever lol

The_Bobbing_Cat: The reason I think Star
Wars must have good qualities is
because it grossed like a bazillion dollars,
so something about those films is good,


ennis_d_mar: Or I just inferred it

The_Bobbing_Cat: lol you get worked up too
easily, and no I didn't imply that, because I
really don't believe it to be true lol

ennis_d_mar: ok you said it again "The
reason I think Star Wars must have good
qualities is because it grossed like a
bazillion dollars, so something about
those films is good, yes "

ennis_d_mar: NO!

The_Bobbing_Cat: Yes lol

ennis_d_mar: just because it makes money
doesn't make it good

ennis_d_mar: you've been brought up to think
money makes something right

ennis_d_mar: you equate $$$ with correct

The_Bobbing_Cat: No lol I'm saying that
because so many peoople enjoy watching
it that there has to be something good
about it

ennis_d_mar: or good

ennis_d_mar: exatly

ennis_d_mar: exactly

The_Bobbing_Cat: no no, it has nothing to do
with the money, the money just tells me
the population of the audience, which is

ennis_d_mar: that's PEDESTRIAN

The_Bobbing_Cat: wha

ennis_d_mar: I've gotta go - this is
depressing. FGo watch Cyrano De

The_Bobbing_Cat: haha alright, night man.. try
not to get so worked up, you'll give
yourself an anneurism


So yeah, nuts. I just wanted to comment on something I just noticed with this last nut. He said "art isn't democratic". Art could be defined as democratic and I could explain why I think that, but I'd rather say that art is subjective, which still proves my point. People choose to see a film, and the total box-office gross shows how many people went to see it. There has to be a reason people went to see it, and therefore shows that there is SOMETHING in it that was captivating, right? I don't mind debating with someone, but when the guy goes off the deep end, it kinda bothers me lol especially when he wasn't listening in the first place.

Anyways, long post over. Moral of the story is that there are NUTS out there. Guard your babies, or baby seals.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you always end up chatting with the nutty people?!?
The first guy....I wonder if he was chatting to you from a padded room....
King Kong man should learn to listen, and be a little more open minded! I agree with the statement you were trying to convey! Silly people....


1:46 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

I can't believe you let it go on for so long! I would've said "f-you guys, I'm outta here." and blocked them right away. But that's just me.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for people like the first guy, he was probably just trying to get a rise out of u... you should just be like "ok if u say so" and change the subject/stop talking to him.. that would get him PISSED!! lol

2:27 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

Good GOD! I'm glad people like that don't msg me. I agree that killing baby seals is wrong and horrible, and to be honest I avoid the news like the plague, so I had no idea it was going on still. Seriously, though--an email? What the hell is that going to do?

The other guy was just dumb. I mean, I agree that I can't find any redeeming features in the Starwars movies, but there must be something there. I couldn't even watch all of the latest one...but he was totally not listening to you. Gah...jerkheads.

8:05 PM  

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