
And Then Comes Rejection

I had such a bad day at work today. My colleagues' incompetence grew to a new high today when I was basically left to run the entire service side of the branch by myself, unsupervised. It lasted for about an hour, an excruciating hour of a never-ending line. The day ended with the hand of the manager coming down on us for doing everything wrong, and the head teller doing no work except bitching and whining, leaving me to leave the bank around 5.30.

Needless to say, I had a bad day.

My crush came in again today. He smiled at me, went out of his way to make eye contact and be friendly. Kept glancing back at me while he was being served by someone else. Giving me very pleasant signs, but still made me frustrated that I couldn't do anything about it.

The bad day ends, far too late, and I decide "screw this -- I'm asking him out". I went up the street to his work, went up the elevator (holding in both barf and red cheeks), exited the elevator and bumped right into him. He gave me a warm, welcoming smile and this is what happened:

Him: *surprise* Hey! What's up?
Me: Hey! I was looking for you. I was just wondering if you wanted to go for a drink.
Him: What?
Me: A drink. I've had a day and I'd love to go for a drink.
Him: Oh. No, I think I'm good.
Me: Oh.
Him: Thanks though.
Me: *talking far too quickly -- abort! abort!* Yeah, no, that's okay. Takecarebye.

Then I jumped in the elevator, then jumped on the phone with Sarah and vented for near an hour.

...CRAP! Ugh. Men.

I don't understand! He flirted with me for weeks, and I finally get up the courage to ask him out and I'm flat-out turned down. Super.

Half of me is upset I put myself out there to be rejected and disappointed, but the other half is actually kind of satisfied that I actually did it. I don't think I have ever asked someone out like that.

Maybe he just didn't want to drink or something. Fingers crossed he comes in tomorrow and asks me to marry him.

Hey, it could happen!

--Wishful Jam


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