

Sometimes I sleep with a stuffed animal, just for fun.

Sometimes I'll ride around on the bus, transferring from here to there, reading a good novel. I get a lot of reading done of the bus!

Sometimes the people on the bus drive me insane. ...okay, all the time.

Sometimes I get pregnant-woman-type-cravings. Yesterday it was honey-dew melon. This morning, I could really go for some orange pop and bacon. Not in the same dish, but probably at the same time.

Sometimes I dream about my future life somewhere fabulous with fabulous friends and fabulous parties and fabulous money with fabulous clothes. I hope I end up fabulous.

Sometimes I arrive at the school gym and turn around and go home.

Sometimes I fall for a guy who I hardly know. I imagine what he should be like and what we could be. The guy could be anyone -- it doesn't really matter. I just envision the perfect man in a random guy every two weeks-or-so.

Sometimes I regret having regrets.

Sometimes I rant to myself when there's no one around to rant to.

Sometimes I wonder if the world conditioned me to be gay. (I'll have a post about this one soon.)

Sometimes books will all simultaneously fall off my desk for no apparent reason, thus freaking the crap out of me.

Sometimes I won't leave my room if I hear my roommates around in the house, simply because I don't want to deal with talking to them. It's not that I don't like them, it's that I have days where I don't want to talk out loud.

Sometimes I'll spray more than one cologne on myself to see if it'll smell better. Then I smell disgusting and go shower.

Sometimes I steal blog ideas from Marriage-101.



Blogger Liz said...

Dude, NEVER combine colognes. It's horrid. I've learned the hard way, several times.

1:03 PM  

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