
Citrus Fruit

Hey peeps.

So as you've noticed, I've caught the blogging bug again. I just feel like I need to keep writing or I'm going to lose it. I don't really know what it is, but it's something.

I have ten posts left until I reach 600 on Jam's Blog, and then I'll be closing it down. It's time to move on to something else. Jam's Blog has been an amazing sanctuary for my thoughts, my desires, my dreams, and my friends, but all good things come to end, says Ms. Furtado, and I believe her.

Ten more posts of whatever comes my way, followed by a compilation of what Jam's Blog has actually accomplished, followed by the opening of Crimson Lime.

Wait for it.

Haha! Citrus Fruit. Get it? It's me! Ahahaha. Oh boy.


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