
Computer down! Computer down!

Howdy to all my adoring fans!

So my internet is down, again. It's my computer or something, because I'm on a router and the other two lovely ladies who use it have their internet.. so yay for them and boo to me. I'm trying to get ppl to help me out, but they seem as stumped as I do.

Therefore, I won't be on MSN very often, and I apologize to the ppl I talk to exclusively on MSN cause I'm not ignoring you, I'm simply out of commission for a short while.

On another note, Thanksgiving was terrible, as promised. Dad and I said nothing to each other, my mom and I fought, and I had no entertainment besides alcohol and some good friends, which isn't so bad. But needless to say, I'm very happy to be back with my friends in another city.

LOL Heather and I are sitting here talking, and Passions comes on television. Has anyone noticed it is the WORST show on television? A girl is pregnant with her half-brother's baby!? EW! What kind of plot line is that? And now the same girl is putting drugs into a glass of lemonade and saying "I'm sorry Fox. I need you to make love to me. Everyone, including you, has to think this is your baby I'm carrying!"

Ew and now there's a commercial on television advertising for "The Biggest Loser". Yeah, they're losers alright. I'd go into detail, but they're fat people.

Ohh man, good times in Heath's room, laughing at soap operas.

Anywho, email me people!



Blogger Paixão said...

isnt that like the typical soap opera story line? lol and ur router problem, r u on a firewall? lisa and i had a really hard time setting up her computer with the router as well cause it blocked so many things, u can also maybe try calling the company up that makes it and see what they have to say? i dunno. Have u heard of alexisonfire? im watching this video and this is just bad. i could only imagine going to a concert and it all being the exact same. i think the fumes from cleaning are getting to me so im going to go out and find some groceries. :op

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sweet-thang!
Even though I live RIGHT beside you, I finally just updated myself with your secret internet life! lol why oh why did it take so long?!
Hope you're having a good weekend! See you tomorrow when I pick you up for the B-Rock!
Ciao babe

1:04 AM  

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