
The Calm After the Holiday Storm

Hey everyone!

It feels so good to be back! I've been back all of four hours and I already feel more comfortable and relaxed than at any point in time that I was on "vacation".

As many of you know, I do not look forward to family oriented holidays, like Christmas. I don't get along with my family, and find it silly to have to spend time with people that I really cannot stand, and who, in turn, can't stand me. My mom and I are on worse terms than ever, and she wants me to get a job in St. Catharines over the summer. Although, if she had been listening to me over the past two months, that's been my plan all along. The more time I can spend away from "home", the better. At least my friends saw her blow up at me over a removed lamp shade, and know that she is the crazy one, not me. My dad and I didn't talk to each other, as usual. The step-parents did the usual guilt-trip or reclusive behaviour respectively, which suits me fine.

On top of family fun, I got my wisdom teeth removed on the 29th. If anyone is actually worried about this procedure, simply let your teeth hurt for a couple months beforehand and you will realize that the aftermath does not even compare. The surgery was simple, and it's less than a week later and I am doing great. Although it still slightly hurts, I can talk fine, and should be at 100% within the week.

All-in-all, it was a horrible holiday. It really makes me realize how my life differs from that of my friends, and how much I do not take for granted. I'm self-reliant because I have to be, and I think I am turning out to be a very decent human being. When I win a Pulitzer or whatever I may win, I won't have my family to thank. Rather, I'll have myself to thank, along with my terrific friends. If it hadn't been for Mike, Loretta, Lindsay, Brian, Ashley, Mike, and all the others that I saw over the break, I seriously could not have made it. I would also like to thank Sheba, the best cat ever, for spending a comfy New Years with me. Ya can't complain about a date who can't talk back and loves to cuddle. You rock, Sheba.

Well, it's time to get started on this semester, which will prove to be very interesting. I don't plan to go to my parents' homes at all, so if I need to go to Brantford, I am staying elsewhere. I love it here in St. Catharines, and my family here is much more supportive, intelligent, and fun than my "real" family back "home".

Hope everyone had a terrific holiday, and hope to hear from you all soon!



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