
Love is a Dancefloor

Afternoon ya'll!

First and most important thing to announce, I am officially a student senator for the next two years at Brock University! I'm so crazy excited that I'm finally on my way to making my place at Brock in student government and helping the school in any way I can. I've only had one jerk be pessimistic about the entire experience, and he's just jealous. So otherwise everyone has been so great and I love you all for being so supportive (Marla, Natalie, Heidi, Dustin, Heidi, and anyone else - you all rock!).

I is great.

Just an "a".

I went and saw Natalie's dance show today and it was so amazing! She choreographed one of the dances which was very good, and she was in some others which were, with lack of a more enthusiastic word, incredible. The Cell Block Tango rendition was so amazing, and the other dances were just so cool! I can't believe people can be so in synch and enthusiastic about dance! I've decided that I'm going to do Irish and Jazz next year, and maybe Tap. I love dancing around, and it would be great to actually have some skill lol. So yay for me and Heidi (she's doing it too!)!

"Love is a Dancefloor" by the way is a great song by Endorphin and you should download it! Yaaay!

So yeah, things are looking up, and I'm in such a great mood!

--Jam the MAN


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sniff* I wasn't mentioned as supportive! But Heidi was mentioned twice *sniff* lol

8:41 PM  
Blogger Jam said...

Haha I meant to type Heather, not Heidi twice! You damn H people! You're still my hero! *muah*


8:44 PM  

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