
Triple Ex

Hi Folks!

So last night I was chatting on MSN before bed and I was talking to three people. I realized after about five minutes that they are all people I've gone out with, and that was freaky! I mean I've only got about four people I could call an ex, so for three of them to just pop up and start chatting was reeeeally odd. No wonder I don't chat on MSN very often anymore.

Today I'm gonna do three and a half gallons of work, and go to four hours of class. Not too shabby. I wanna get 1984 read by tomorrow afternoon so I can write my proposal for my essay on it, but somehow I don't think that will happen. I'm doing a presentation on Thursday on "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema", which is the most absurd thing I have ever read. Some feminist is talking about how women have a fear of men because of a fear of castration due to their lack of a penis, bla bla bla... I can't believe I have to present on a feminist argument, as I am one of the most anti-feminists around. Bah.

Well I think I'll get dressed and go do some more reading. Ciao everyone!


On a side note, I have no idea who the person is who commented on the word of the day Ameliorate, and I don't know if you're trying to be clever or what, but I have the correct definition. If you were joking about Amelia, then it wasn't very funny lol sorry.


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