
Good Morning House

Sorry. I needed to show you him again. *sigh*

*ahem* Anyways, good morning!

I'm up with the birds and the bus drivers again this morning to hand in a take-home exam (which I did very well, thank you very much).

I'm not really tired for some reason, so I feel like staying up, but I have nothing better to do lol. No one is awake and if I watch TV or play a game I'll just get sleepy. So hrm.

Yay the weekend's here! I thought it would never come! Even though I haven't done much this week, I still looked forward to the weekend. I wanna go to the gay bar tonight because I want a man. A hot one! I'm not sure how I'm going to get one, but I'm gonna!

Heheh. I'm listening to Roses are Red by Aqua and they say "A dee ah da DIMWUT" hahahaa what the hell does that mean? I remember Meek and I used to go around saying dimwut because of that song. Ah good times. Eh? Eh?


Hahaha and now that crazy Haiducii song came on! It's the day of songs that make no sense!


I started doing my weights again! *cheers for self* I wanna be buff by June so I'm gonna do them everyday twice and do like 100 crunches or something. Does that sound like a good workout? Oh, plus an hour a day of DDR! Speaking of DDR, Heidi and I are getting so amazing at that game! We get angry when we don't get A's on Tsugaru heavy! Like whoa! I know you're impressed.

Ma ee ah hee, Ma ee ah who, Ma ee ah ha, Ma ee ah ha ha! (It's from the song, stay with me here people)

I need a job! No stores have called me back and it's been three days! Grrrr!

Yeah that's it. My hands hurt from typing.

--Ramble Jam

My hero of the day: Tasha! Not sure why.. but she just is! Luv ya, you crazy Mohawk crazy foo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're cool!

Oh yeah! Take that


12:51 AM  

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