
Online Strangerers


So I've been really annoyed with a bunch of people online lately. In person there's really not too many people around me at the moment, so no one's bugging me in real life. But internet life is a different story.

First of all, someone said he read my blog and I wrote it cutesy (or something like cutesy). I laughed and asked if it was a compliment (which I assumed it was), and he's like you can take it that way if you want. What? Oh, he was just mentioning "how it is". Well great. Would you rather I write like a dictionary? I like cutesy! There's nothing wrong with cutesy! No one else cares that I write cutesy! Maybe I'll post a big fluffy bunny that's wearing a sash that says Cutey McCutesy on it? That'll show ya.

Next, a really hot guy messaged me on gay.com, so I started talking to him. After getting past boring conversation, he asks me "Is your bladder full?" (I kid you not). I'm like.. uhh well kinda, I guess. He's like "How big is your bladder?", and I'm thinking to myself okay.. what the hell is going on? Am I on candid camera? So I went along with it because this really weird guy and his odd obsession with bladders is entertaining. So I'm like I don't know how big my bladder is (how doth one tell how big a bladder is? Oh yes.. I took mine out the other day. It is one cubic foot.), and he's like "Mine's the size of a grapefruit." Well great for you, Mr. Hot but extremely strange man. So he goes on about the different activities he likes to do with a full bladder, like dancing, running, sleeping, etc. Doesn't he want to go to the bathroom? I mean urinating is a good thing, Mr. Crazy man! Anyways, long story short, I am not a big fan of bladder man.

I was talking to the bartender from the gay bar for the first time who added me to his list a couple months ago and he was all defensive because I knew his boyfriend. "How would you know who my boyfriend is?" I'm friends with Craig. Craig knows everyone. Therefore I know everyone. Ta da?

The last thing about talking online that pisses me off is I can't find a man! AAAAH! Doesn't specifically deal with the internet, but omg Jam is a lonely Jam. Maybe I'll go stalk Josh Hartnett.

Hmm I guess that's it! LUV WOO ALL! (cutesy enough for ya?)

--Cutesy Jam

Word of the day: Strangerer: Someone who is stranger than me (probably you).


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