
Bottoms Up

Howdy, my loyal fans!

So I know I've been taking a sort of hiatus, but I'm back! I was working on a recap post on the last magnificent year of Jam's Blog, but I'm a lazy bastard and it's not going to happen for a while.

So what's been going on with me, you're asking? (I know you're asking. I can feel it in my blood!.. well, not IN my blood, that would be gross.) I've been doing a lot of.. well, nothing. I've done a crapload of applications for jobs this summmer and I have a couple of leads. I had an interview at Blockbuster today and I imagine that I got that job. My experience from EB Games (aka Hell-on-Earth) along with my Jammy charm (you all know you love it) should get me the job no problemo.

I've been talking to a new guy and don't really wanna jinx it, but wow. A really great guy (that looks good in green, eh Leanne?) and we're meeting next week. I'm already so nervous that I could barf (I'll hold myself back Nat).

CARRIE WON! Yaaaaay! I love Carrie Underwood so much! Have my babies!... well don't literally, because you're kind of a woman, but yay she won! She is one of the best singers I have ever heard and I can't wait for her album to be released! I'm definitely hooked on Idol and I can't wait for Canadian Idol to start! I'm gonna be right in there voting OFF the Kalan Porters and Ryan Malcolms! Serves ya right, you doodieheads! Tee hee.

So I formally declare summer as the season of spiders. We are overrun with arachnids and I arach-hate-them. Today Athena and I spent practically an hour searching for this fast demon spider from hell as it leapt to my desk and up the wall and yikes! Creepy arachdamn arachthings. So to run away from Summers Web of Doom, I'm going to Brampton to visit Heidi! We're checking out an anime convention and going to playdium and fun shtuff! Now, before you think I'm a huge loser massivo, I'm going to the anime con because it's gonna have *drumroll* DDR! YAAAY! Well, hopefully. We thought it was going to be a tournament, but it may just be there recreationally instead. In any case, I gotta strut my stuff! Cause that stuff is just crying to be seen! CRYIN I TELLS YA! ..wow, bedtime soon lol.

The finalé of LOST is on tomorrow and I can't wait. The best show of the year is coming to a close. It's a bittersweet event, but I can't wait to find out about the creepy Others. (If you don't watch the show, don't ask me what the Others are, because I will respond that I have no idea in regards to this TV show, and to watch the Nicole Kidman movie and get back to me.)

My bestest buddy Loretta bought me a gift recently just for being Jam! (You should do that too. I do deserve it you know. It's not easy being this great!) She bought me a chess set.. with SHOTGLASS PIECES! *screeches* So freaking exciting! I can't wait to use it and get totally smashed! I'm such a geek and I love it! LOVE! IT! !!

Lastly, some Homestar to fill your minds with funny thingies.

After afterdinnermints.

Bug Swallow! Bug Swallow!

Well, bedtime for this kool kat. Night dawgs!



Coming Soon
Movie Review: Crash
Rant: Experience and Openness

PS: The only reason the title is "Bottoms Up" is because I have a shot glass with that on it. That's it. No relation to the blog. Haaa, suckers. Trying to get a meaning out of it. What a sucker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWW I MISS U TOO, FROSTED CHEERIOS! lol Thats what I had for breakfast! :D If I was there no stupid boy would have ruined Idol for me! ;'(!!! Oh well

11:52 AM  

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