
Summer Bore

Afternoon, you hot tomales!

I'm SO BORED! At first the only woe of not getting a job was lack of money. Now I have that, as well as the greatest boredom I have ever experienced! What should I do? I've done everything! I need a job, FAST!

I actually wanna go back to school for the summer, but I don't have the cash. I'm definitely going to try to get classes for the summer next year, because otherwise I'll die. I'll just implode from too much boredom, like I'm going to this summer, and that'll be a big mess that Natalie will have to clean up! We don't wanna make Natalie clean up my muck, so let's all be nice and find me a job. Like, now. Please.

I think my mom has forgotten that I exist. I talk to her about once every two weeks and she never has much to say and she's always in a hurry to get off the phone. Oh well, I suppose one less person I have to worry about. She has Jeff, and the dog and the cat (if they remember that my cat still lives in that house), so I'm not too worried about her mental health. Except the other day she asked the owner of the factory she works at if he had just started. My mom's a champ. (now you know where I get my doziness from)

Well, I'm going to bus it up to the mall with my $270 bus pass and pick up my pants that are being hemmed. Maybe while I'm at the mall, a hot millionaire in his early 20's will approach me and we'll go travel South America for the summer. ...it could happen.


Word of the Day: Claque: A hired group of fans or followers. So like if I hired you guys to be my fans, you would be my claque. Thankfully I'm so great you follow me without payment! Radical.


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