
The King's Resignation

Howdy, my loyal subjects.

So I think that's the longest I've went without blogging in a long while. I was in Brantford all weekend and in Hamilton all week. I have finally returned to Summers Castle, and life is a very different... place? Thing?.. whatever life is.

I'll mention the reason I went home and to Hamilton. I got the results of my appeal to go back to school and it was denied. I can't appeal any further, so school is out of the question for the next year. Along with this come some very serious repercussions, moreso than just missing a year of school.

First of all, I'm going to have to move. Thorold is a great place to live to go to school, but it's completely out of the way if I needed to get a full-time job. I'll be moving in with Leanne in Hamilton towards the end of the month. I'm not "excited" to be leaving Summers Castle, as I love it here more than I've loved living anywhere else, but unfortunately some things in life just have to be done for the greater good.

So that means I'm going to be leaving behind some terrific people, some of whom I haven't seen much this summer, and may not have another opportunity to live with again in life. What I say to them is this: I can come visit. The new roommate will not be as cool as me. We'll have our moment in the sun again in the future.

The other bummer that's coming from this is my trip to Barbados is no more. If I had went to school this year, I could have pushed my exams forward a bit and could have went on vacation. Since I'll be working full-time this year, I can't validate taking three weeks off for a vacation.

So yeah, the next month and furthermore the next year are going to be very strange. It's definitely something I've never had to deal with, but hopefully something I can deal with and conquer so I can go back to school and not be such a dumbass. lol



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jam, you are one of the strongest people I know. Like I said before, we are never dealt stuff we can't handle. Maybe this will prove to be a positive turn in your life :)I know you'll do great in whatever you end up doing, and we'll MISS you at Summer's Castle! AHH!Remember our condition ;) *lots of hugs and love*

4:19 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

Jammy, my love, I know you will pull through this whole thing, go on to write your book and become a millionaire. Until then, keep up your amazing positive attitude. Summer's Castle will miss you lots and lots and you WILL come visit, or we will cry. You're right, the new roommate won't be as cool as you, not by a long shot. I'm doing one of my super-long comment things, so I guess I should go.
*hugs 'n' stuff*

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James: who would have thought a in high school that one day we'd get the chance to live together in university and you'd become one of my favouritest people ever? Even tho I wish it could continue, you know I support your decisions and I know this is best for you and your future! We had one great year at Summers Castle... it wouldn't even be known as that if not for you! ;) You're such a strong person, so I have no doubts you'll pull through this and be even stronger (if that's possible)
Luv ya *hugs* ~Heather aka schmoops

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some details regarding coin collector . Enjoy!

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James, I may have only met you once and only hung out for a week, but I know how much you and Heidi get along and how much fun it's gotta be for you and all of you crazy canadians to be together in Thorold. Heck it was fun for me. =P Either way, I will miss hearing about the randomness up there, and I'm sorta rambling, but you'll do fine and everyone will still be there for ya'.

Dunno why I felt like commenting, but I did, so there. Yeah. Good luck!


P.S. Blogger spambots should die.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear James,

I will miss you here at Summers Drive. You are quite a character. But you already know that. I’ve always admired your strong confidence in yourself. I’ll tell you one thing Jim: I swear that we will find you! If it’s the last thing we do, WE WILL FIND YOU, and bring you back to Summers Drive! The search is on!! All the best Mr. Jam,


12:32 AM  
Blogger Jam said...

Thanks for all the support guys! *muah*

Are those two in the middle spam? Did I get blog-spammed? Is that actually a something?

And a big hey to Natasha! Thanks for visiting my blog!


4:19 PM  

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