
Good Is Good

I think my brain is ready to implode. Yes, implode. The messy one.

So I've come to a very annoying and very painful realization. I've been searching for a "perfect" guy (perfect to me, not perfect in an actual sense, yeesh) for a long time now. I've dated guys that were really great, but really not for me. When I examine a guy, I have a model in mind, and it never occurred to me until about ten minutes ago that this model is a real person, and it's a person I can't have. I've known him for a long time, we've been through our ups and downs.. he did something to me a long time ago and that ended our relationship. So now, he's happily in a long-term thing and even though he's the one who screwed us up, I'm the one who's unhappy. How the hell does that work? The gods are against me lol.

So now I'm left to ponder what to do about.. it. I doubt there is anything I can do, unless I want to pull a Friends moment, like where that guy comes back to talk to Monica and says he loves her and all this, but Chandler ends up winning anyways. Yup.

So yeah, we're still friends, which means he may or may not read this and also may or may not figure it out. If you do, don't tell your boyfriend. He'll probably come after me with a bat or a chair or something ouchy. But if you do figure it out, either embrace it or ignore it, 'cause I can't take anything in between.

...guess that's it! lol yay for drama.


LISTEN TO: Good Is Good by Sheryl Crow! It's SO FREAKING AMAZING *dies by great music*.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you don't have to worry about "him" telling me, i am just as capable of reading too. i am not abusive so don't be scared - i take it out on my paintings.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Jam said...

LOL well you're awfully presumptuous that it's Mike I'm talking about. In any case, I'm not saying, because what good would that do? I'll tell select people, but I'm not going to post it on my blog. Glad I could help out your painting though, and I'm glad you read my blog for some reason lol.


9:36 PM  

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