
The End

I'm so angry. One of my best friends stood me up tonight and I'm absolutely furious.

People do things like this to me all the time, and have been doing it to me for my entire life. This is the end of that.

I'm tired of a lot of the people in my life. The way many of them act; I would never imagine acting in such an inconsiderate fashion. I strive to be the absolute best person I can be. I do things for others, I'm courteous, I'm generous, but I'm not a pushover, and will never be.

Next year I'll be going to school most likely at a completely new school, meeting new people. There is no way they will know the same James that all of you know, because I am not letting myself be walked on. My job, my friends, my family... no more will I let them treat me like this without repercussion. I don't care if people think I'm mean. If meanness is the way to get rid of the inconsiderate bastards in my life, then so be it.

The end of an era. Hope you enjoyed it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear James...
YOU GO GIRL *snaps*

sorry if i was ever inconsiderate to u

5:04 PM  

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