

Mornin, you krazay kats!

I bought some Orangina this morning and I must have got some from their drug batch or something cause it tastes SO good! It completely woke me up and it's yum yum good. Not like Yum Yum's Chinese Food though, cause that might be gross in a drink.

Tonight I think I shall write out my outline for my novel(la) because I can't stop thinking about it, and then I shall draw a picture lol. I want to rearrange my room, but Lisa needs to help me with that, and I doubt she'll volunteer to help, so that may wait for the weekend.

Hrmm.. not much else to mention. No men, because God or Buddha or Krsna or whoever hates me. Actually, I'll go on about men in a bit more detail. They smell! lol! There are simply none around here that aren't old, too horny, or completely about their sexuality. What happened to the normal guy, who has his quirks but uses them to his advantage and becomes the all-around great guy? Where is he? Does he avoid Hamilton somehow? Bah. Bah I say! And so does the sheep!

Some funny ones from New York for you go-getters (These are real statements or conversations that were overhead in New York City. Click the link in my sidebar for more.):
Brazilian Wax *I think I laughed for about a millenium*
Jason Mraz
Pavlov *some may not get this one*
Gays in West India
And two for the studenty-types: 1, 2

I could post about 1000 of these cause they're so hilarious, but I'll stick to dat many. You should read it regularly. Makes you realize how smart you really are lol.

--Sheepy Jam


Blogger Maya said...

heee <3

8:49 PM  

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