
The Week End Of Me

Hey everyone!

So I'm finally back from my weekend of crazy running around Ontario. I accomplished a lot and had tons of fun, but needless to say, I am absolutely exhausted.

Woke up fairly early and Leanne drove me to Brantford so that I could talk to Loretta about her upcoming wedding and her engagement to a guy I've never met. (If you want more details if I haven't ranted to you about that, then just let me know and I'll go on for an hour or so.) I had a long talk with her, and we had a lot of quality topics and concerns brought up, which was really needed. No one had talked to her about proper concerns and real issues, just either fake or blunt remarks. It was decided that I'd be her Master of Ceremonies at her huge 200-person reception, so I'm going down in a couple weeks to help her plan everything. It should actually be a lot of fun! I can't wait! I guess I'll have to think of some corny jokes, but that'll be so difficult because I'm not corny at all! ...!

That night I went to visit my Nana and we talked for hours and hours and it was so nice to have some real quality one-on-one time with her. Whenever I visit it's with mom and they talk about stuff that I could care less about, but when it's just the two of us, we talk and bitch and it's just so great. For those of you who don't know, my Nana, along with my Grandma, practically raised me because my dad was nonexistent in my life and my mom was working a lot of the time. I miss the times that I had with my grandmas, so it's so warming to just have a night to sit and reminisce.

Early Sunday morning, after the wonderful time change, Mom drove me all the way to Thorold so that I could participate in the Mystery at Summers Drive, Part 2. Did some much needed karaoke and DDR beforehand (I miss Maximizer!) with Heidi and Athena's sister Vicky and it was SO much fun. I lub it!

The murder party went fairly well. The meal was to die for (haha die for!); Dustin's sister made it and apparantly she's amazing! Afterwards there were videos and stuff that happened (I was dying in a cellar until everyone found me!) and it was very creative. I was kind of confused for.. well, for most of it, but hopefully for the final mystery party in the winter, Dustin will have got it goin' a little smoother-like.

Duncan gave me a ride home and we actually had conversations the whole way home! I was so worried that it was gonna be awkward silence, but we talked about lots of crap so that's a good thing.

Got back to the house and carved two pumpkins. Made one into a reeeally cool cat (Lisa's favourite) and I made the other into Homestar Runner running (my favourite)! How cool is that? A Homestar jack-o-lantern!? I'm so great. I'll post pictures soon.


So tomorrow I start writing my novel, which means I won't be posting nearly as much on Jam's Blog. I'll be posting my chapters on Jam's Novel Idea (there's a link in the sidebar too), and I'd really love it if you guys would read along if you have time and let me know what you think. I'll also be making my Much VJ Search audition tape, as well as preparing Loretta's reception and applying to schools, so November may be pretty scarce in the blog department. But never fear!

...that's all I got. Just never fear.

--Jam the Fearless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sniff* noooo! What'll I do without ur blog to read!!!
~Heather (ur biggest fan)

2:11 PM  

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