
The Cold

Evening, you blogaholics, you.

So a few things today. First of all, I watched The Apprentice tonight as I always do, and for the first time, I'm completely outraged at Trump's decision. I know that I'm sure I've disagreed with them before, but this time, it was insane.

Alla, the strongest and by far best competitor on the show, was fired for being "too hard to manage" or some crap. Basically, the project manager was too weak and confusing, so Alla tried to help, and in the end, both were fired. She made 3rd place, which is very good mind you, but it's still not what she deserved: first. He also said she was "too mean". F*ck that! lol Too mean in business shouldn't exist unless you're slitting people's throats or screaming at other people. Sure she was harsh, but you need to be to succeed in business. ARGH!

Anywho, she already has a multi-million dollar company in the spa and beauty product market, so she'll be fine and all that, but I just don't like to see the deserving not get what they deserve.

Secondly, I am ready to leave now. Like, right now. I love living with Leanne and Lisa, and I like Hamilton, but I'm ready for the change now. My employer is being very rude towards me, and I'm done there in a week, I go to Barbados in sixteen days, and other than that, not much is going on. I'm learning that people are really not who I thought they were, which is just as bothersome as it sounds. I feel like starting completely new; new environment, new goals, new ideas, and new people, with a few exceptions. I'm going to surround people like myself, who know who they are and what they can accomplish, rather than those who are the opposite of that, because I can't be around that anymore.

Lastly, a bunch of little things:

K2XLgames.com has disappeared, along with Psychopath, a game that took up a lot of my time. Not just by playing it, but designing levels as well. Hopefully it comes back online soon.

Craig hasn't contacted me in the longest time. His other friends from the area are starting to message me with their concern, as I was the one closest to him, but I haven't heard from him in months. I'm kind of worried, but at the same time, it's his choice to not be in touch with me, so in time I'm sure he'll come around. *shrug*

Finished my Xmas cards today. 48 in total! My numbers go up every year!

Bought a jazz Xmas music CD yesterday and it's so freaking amazing! If anyone wants it, I'll send it to them. Just lemme know on MSN!

I need to go on a date. Not much else to say about that, but I need a new guy.. from.. somewhere lol. Aaaand, appear!




Blogger Athena said...

Did you die? Where are all the new posts?

3:30 PM  

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