
Musical Genius

Hey everyone!

So, for those of you who don't know, I'm a level designer for a puzzle game called Psychopath. I have been for some time now, and have been playing the game for well over a year. I became a tester for the sequel, Psychopath 2, in the summer. I really love being a part of the game and the community because it's not only fun, but it's intellectually stimulating as well.

Anyways, this post isn't to sell the game... yet.

In September, a music contest opened for the in-game music. All players were urged to submit entries, and since that used to be a hobby of mine, I submitted "Atlantis", one of my best attempts at a real song. Two days ago, the final nine songs were produced on the website for an open vote of which five will be the official in-game music. "Atlantis" is one of them!

This game is actually very popular and huge, and once it is officially released, may break online gaming records, so I'm very excited and nervous for my music to make it into the game. While I am a level designer and will be in the game anyway, the music is another element and would me absolutely fantastic!

This is where you guys come in. On K2XL's main website, in its own forum called "Psychopath 2 In-Game Music Competition", there is my song, and I would love it if some people could give it a 5. I know some of you already have accounts (Leanne, Jen, Sarah), so if you could do that, I would be so grateful. Here is the link to the exact spot where you have to vote, and where you can listen to the song. You may have to log in at the top of the page.

Keep your fingers crossed everybody, and thanks for your support!

--DJ Jam


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I voted for ya! I was unable to hear the song though, so perhaps you could send it to me?? hehe Good luck!

12:54 PM  

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