
The Blogs Fell, One By One

Blogs are great things. I get to type here, no editing (hollaback.. err, something), rambling on about boys, games, movies, names, whatever I damn-well feel like. I think the blog is one of the best creations of our time. It's completely revamped the way journalistic media is presented as people read blogs now more often than they read newspapers.

Lately, however, my everyday-reads have been dwindling away into the abyss. The abyss of nothingness. How am I supposed to nurse an addiction to blogs if no one adds to them? I can only read about the start of a new semester and watch a dancing Star Trek LEGO character so many times, people. So *hint hint*, everyone should update. Well, there are exceptions. Liz and Heidi are totally on top of it. Props to you guys for.. that.

So I've been getting all grad school crazy lately for whatever reason. I know I have over a year left after this year, but it's just so exciting that I'm going to be getting on a path worth getting on. I mean, my degree now is quasi-interesting, but it's also quasi-boring and seems quasi-pointless. I was talking to Brian and he totally cheered me up. He told me to make small goals in-between the big goals and then I'll have stuff to get excited about and to aim towards all the time. Good idea, I think.

We're in the midst of our fourth blizzard in the last two weeks. I'm not sure who decided to settle on this island of tundra, but they were dumb. Especially now that the fish are all gone. There is nothing here. I can't wait to move somewhere else to be quite honest. I mean, I'm not saying the people here smell or have hunchbacks. They might, but I'm not saying that ...right now. Right now I'm saying that the weather just stinks. Someone warned me, but I didn't believe them. That's because I'm a big doorknob. The walls of snow are far taller than me beside people's driveways. Today I was walking back from the bus and fell into a snowdrift from hell up to my waist. I kinda just stood there for a minute, baffled that it really happened, then struggled out only to fall in over and over until I reached real land. The other thing is St. John's is a fun city, basically like St. Catharines only prettier, but I am ready to move to a big city now. I want a Starbucks nearby, I want traffic, I want efficient public transit - is that so much to ask? I don't think so.

To put grad school and leaving Newfoundland together, I found an amazing program in a crazy place, but I absolutely want it. I found the program, Masters of Professional Writing, before I knew where the school is, and when I found that out, I fell out of my chair. Well, I fell out of it in my mind, but boy, that would have made my story even better. Chair-fallings are intellectual stimulators, says me. Anyway, don't get me off-topic. The school is the University of Southern California in Los Angeles! *freaks out* It would be expensive and hard to get into, but I'm really going to try when the time comes. Sun, hot California men, big and exciting city.. that's all I need. How freaking awesome would that be? "Very" is the correct answer to that question, by the way. I'll let you know how that goes, whenever that goes.

That's enough posting stuff for now. Loves ya!

--Jam without a tan


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