
The Bitch From Down the Street

Gooooood morning! Well, it's actually afternoon, but we'll say morning so I don't feel so lazy.

Last night was my roommate's birthday party and it was actually a lot of fun, despite losing a bunch of people to the insane snowstorm that hit around 5pm. About twelve people showed up and we just hung around, danced, got very drunk, danced.. I don't really know what we did to pass all of that time, but it kept going into the morning so who knows. I went to bed around 6am and passed out while the party continued, so I can't give you a definite time on when it ended.

Anyway, my post today isn't about the party specifically, rather a person who attended the party. She is a good friend of my roommate and I've seen her at a bunch of different parties since I've been here. She is hands-down, no competition, the meanest, rudest, most horrible bitch-drunk I have ever met. Here's why:

Incident the First:
In September, I went to this party my second week here with my roommates and all their friends. It was an absolute blast; I met tons and tons of new people, including her. I was so confused why she was there because she was such a bitch to everyone, but I thought nothing of it. Towards the end of the night, I saw her talking to a guy - they were about five feet from me. Suddenly, she jumps up and hits him, hard, across the face and starts ranting about how he touched her face and no one should touch her and he's a pervert and all this. I saw the entire thing and he was just drunk and poked her forehead or something. Like, get a grip. Anyway, she hit him really hard and I, for probably the first time in my entire life, had the urge to just hit her back. He "can't" hit her, so I was so ready to do so in his place. All I could remember about her from that night was "wow, what a bitch."

There were more incidents between first and second, but I can't remember them. I guess they were less bitchy than the others. Hurrah!

Incident the Second:
At last night's party, it is brought to my attention that super-bitch has bought a house down the street. She was saying she saw me today and then starts giggling and was saying how I ran for like ten seconds and then stopped and looked around to see if anyone had seen me running. So, I thought this was actually very funny. I mean, everyone does that - it was cold - and I can laugh at myself, sure. So we all had a good laugh, and then she said something about my pants. I have no idea what, something about how they were light (light jeans are in right now - get a sense of style). So I didn't get it, and she continues with something like "look in the mirror, you'll understand." The whole room does one of those laughs like "Yeah, that would be funny if it wasn't so mean and you weren't such a bitch." So, obviously I just stopped saying things to her. Then she keeps asking me if I'm mad and why am I mad and all this and I was just saying that it doesn't matter, I'm not mad, I just don't care to talk to her. That sets her off and she bugs and bugs me, so finally I told her that yeah, what she said was offensive and I don't think it was very necessary or funny. WELL, then everytime I would say anything to anyone, she'd butt her snively little bitch-head in and say, "that offended her," or something to that effect.

Anyway, I'm done with her. I have never wanted to hit someone so badly in my entire life. I think it's disgusting that someone can act like that while drinking and blame it on the alcohol. Why am I not a big bitch when I drink? Oh, oh right - because I'm not a bitch!

--Jam the not-bitch

PS: I got my ear pierced. I feel pretty - oh-so-pretty!


Blogger PofD said...

Pierced ears, eh? Well, I can condone that, I've got one done and I need to get the other (symmetry and all that).

This girls sounds like the devil's work, we should hve her exorcised or at the very least left with me for a night, I'll banish the evil! I kid, I'll just beat her, though only with no beating and with sex.

10:59 PM  

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