
Implosion of the Brain

1. I got a 55 on an in-class essay. It's worth 10%, and I got 55. Five, five. Seriously. I'm fuming because the essay was based around choosing two poems by Atwood and comparing and contrasting them relative to different themes. The theme I chose was time. We received these topics ahead of time and time happened to fit into two poems I wanted to analyze. I prepared, I studied, the end.

The end, indeed. She said that I tried to force them together for the purpose of the assignment, that one of the poems didn't have to do with time. She said the one poem is about a young man.

Now, although you don't know the poem, I shall tell you a key element about said poem. There is no age given. He reflects on a past love, he is crippled, he yearns to be able-bodied again. To ME, that sounds like an elderly man, therefore it is completely subjective. It's not fair for me to receive a bad mark simply because she doesn't agree with me. No. NO NO NO.

2. In my rage, I can't remember what I was going to say, so I'll ramble about my frustration with boy instead. He's so confusing! I'm still terrified to tell him or come on to him or any crap, but at the same time, I am going out of my mind therefore I have to tell him. But then what if he goes home for Thanksgiving? Then I have to wait another week. Then I have to gooutofmymindandjumpoffmyfreakingroof!

3. Someone threw out my peas. Why? I wanted peas. Now they are gone.

I want my freaking peas!

Totally drinking tonight.

This has been yet another useless rant with too much italicized text.



Blogger Gen-chan said...

*hugs* My brother took the course with her. I'm sure he could offer some insight for the rest of the course? <3 ^^;;; I seem to remember him saying she was crazy too. And that I should never take a course from her. <.<

Please don't jump off your roof, I wouldn't like that. ^^

People are stupid. End of explanation. *pet*

8:25 AM  
Blogger Maya said...

That's what I hate about subjective courses. How are you expected to get it "right" when "right" depends on the reader. Grr. Math and science is the way! Unfortunately I didn't go into those fields either. =(

I wonder if you could make a write-up to challenge the mark. I know it's "only" worth 10%, but 55 is a huge blow for something that is just her opinion and means you are missing out on 4.5% of your mark now. But then if you challenge it and make a nice write-up and stuff and she doesn't change it... that would be a waste of time.

That is very frustrating.

9:18 AM  

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