
The Best and Worst Movies of 2004: #5

Worst Movies of 2004: #5

The Stepford Wives

A family of four move to a new community, Stepford, only to find that the women act very strangely. When Joanna (Nicole Kidman) decides to do some sleuthing to find out what exactly is going on, she discovers that she may be in danger.

Why I Chose It

Although the acting was amazing in this film, there was a huge major flaw. The ending was changed, and it's very obvious that it had been. The film had so much promise, and could have been made into a real classic, but instead it was silly and all-in-all, made no sense. I actually put this film here more out of anger that they butchered it than how bad it was, even though it was awfully smelly.

Possible Oscar Nods

Bette Midler, Best Supporting Actress: Bobbi Markowitz
Glenn Close, Best Supporting Actress: Claire Wellington

Best Movies of 2004: #5

The Terminal

Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks), a foreigner from a scandinavian nation travelling into the U.S.A., becomes stranded in the airport because his country's government has collapsed. Therefore, he cannot enter America, and cannot return home.

Why I Chose It
Although the premise of this film seems bizarre, it proves to be fascinating. Viktor finds many new friends and different jobs to help pass the time until he can enter America. The movie shows many different ideals, including language barriers, comedy, drama, war, including many others.

Possible Oscar Nods
Tom Hanks, Best Actor: Victor Navorski


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