
Sleep, Stress, Scheduling and Symphonia

Ola, mi amigos.

So here's the deal. It's currently 5.55am on Tuesday morning. I have done no work in days, and I feel guilty beyond all reason. I think my brain kinda clicked and said "Waaaait a minute. You used to relax a lot." and now I'm slipping quietly into a state of apathy. But I won't let it happen! This Jam ain't fallin' for it! No siree, Bob!

So here's what I'm gonna do: I'm going to sleep now and miss my first two classes (seems like a bad way to get back on track, but hear me out), as I haven't slept yet tonight (for what reasons, I'm not sure). I'm then going to wake up in about 5 hours, do my philosophy work, and get started on The Scarlet Letter, which was supposed to be read a week ago. I'm then going to go to my evening classes, come home, clean, and jump happily into bed. Wednesday I'm going to finish the novel, and do my 'theory diary' (sounds lame and it is), as well as read my philosophy reading. Early to bed Wednesday night as well, and then all should be as it should be. I'll show siree Bob! I'll show him good!

Tales of Symphonia has been taking up a lot of my time lately, and I think I'm going to take a break from it until after reading week. Since I'm a substantial distance ahead of Di, I'll let her catch up, and we'll both jump back into it after the break. It's so incredibly addictive that if I don't quit soon, I may never. *queue the "dum dum DUM" music*

Here's some craziness to tide you over:

Did you ever see a llama?
Did you ever see a Sawyer?

Night all!

--Just Jam

Oh and by the way, for all of you who's skulls are thicker than the average person (that's a nice way of putting the fact that you're slow), you can click that picture of the bunny dancing in my last post and it'll play a video. I didn't just put a picture of a bunny for no reason. *sigh* It's almost sad when people can't figure little things out. So very sad.


Blogger Maya said...

You played more after last night? =( I told you not to! you're a meanie. I thought I saw the controllers moved about just now. I'm gonna hide it... hide it from myself too for it is a bad bad thing.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what if some people thought the bunny was just a cute picture of a bunny?? Maybe some of us are preoccupied with other things to realize things like that and don't think 'hm... i wonder what will happen if i click on the bunny?' SOOOOOOO??? :P that's what i say to you!

12:36 PM  

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