
Dying of Mystery


I feel so weird. I don't know if I'm sick or what, but my head feels really weird.. almost heavy. Yay for me! Blockhead! Woooo!

So I'm missing some class today because my crazy blockhead disease is making me so dozy, and I slept through my first one. I'm soooo sorry to Heidi because I'm being such a slacker these days and she's been going to Philosophy in the mornings for the past three classes and I'm a horrible lazy bum. I'll buy you a pretty something Heidi, you wait!

Well, I'm gonna curl up in bed and read for a while. Was gonna go out tonight, but I doubt that'll happen, since I'm such a blockhead.

--Big Head Jam


Blogger Maya said...

Aww. I did feel a bit sad. I mean that's the only class I have someone to sit next to and it's always kinda sad if you don't have your friend in your class.

But much better now cuz you noticed and that means so much to me that you cared to notice. =)

Don't worry, no hard feelings!

11:54 AM  

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