
March 22

Morning People of the World,

So March 22nd stands out in my mind as a day I was anticipating at some point in my life. I think it was the day I had my huge math competition in grade eight. I was so excited to write it because I scored in the top 2% of all of Brantford in the preliminaries, so I felt confident but excited to go write the next test. I did come in third, and I won a little medallion, so maybe that's why the date sticks out in my head.

But don't you feel that from time to time? Feel like a day means something, or should mean something, or did mean something? It's so baffling and shows you how important things really are. This math competition, even though I was very excited and anticipating it, it isn't that important in the long run, as I don't even know what my score was or who came in first and second.

Time goes by so quickly and it boggles my mind that some people would live it in certain ways. I feel I live my life in an efficient manner, trying to experience all different things at any chance I have, and I still have a lot to go. But how can you sleep at night or be satisfied with yourself if you're just living, but not living through experience. What's the point in living? Are you actually living?

My religious opinions are starting to form through all my philosophical education, as well as my own beliefs, and they are this as of right now: The higher being, which may or may not be Christian God, is testing us. Life is this test, and he evaluates based on whether we live life to our fullest. It is not based on heaven and hell factors like homosexuality, bigotry, or "evil" versus "good" factors; it is based upon whether you are a good person in your sense, and you don't waste your life. If you do waste your life, you have to live another one, whereas if you live life in the way that you were meant to, and you get a perfect score on your test, you go to whatever it is that is beyond life: heaven, world of forms, world of universals, whatever.

So yeah, I'm going to make sure I ace my test. I don't want to have to live another life after this one if I can have cherubs feeding me grapes in a fountain of champagne (that's my heaven.. except by cherub I mean hot naked Seann William Scott.. and by grapes I mean grapes).

--Jam of Experience

Listen to: Can't Stop Me by The Rasmus


Blogger Maya said...

hear hear!

Except I think I'll be sad to die even when I pass my test, cuz even though heaven's all this happy place and stuff, I like life too. =( But I guess I'll like heaven when I'm there... or maybe both equallly as parts of my life and... afterlife thing. Yea.

Yay James! Yay Philosophy!

1:52 PM  

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