
The Too Nice Factor


I just wanted to post something about inner strength and how some treat others.

When I was younger, I had lots of friends. I was a nice person who always did things for others. Even if it meant defying what I wanted to do, I would sacrifice for others, which in turn seemed to make me happy.

Over time, I've come to the realization that I could not live my life in that manner. There is a point where you need to think of yourself over others, because in the end, you're the only one who will look out for you over anyone else. Although I do things for others (I'm not a total bastard), I do things for myself as well. It takes a very strong person to be able to help others all the time, but I believe it's an even stronger one who can stand up and say what they feel, not what they are expected to feel.

A friend of mine is feeling inadequate and needs a boost. I have a feeling that if this friend stopped and thought about his/her own life, voiced opinions, and changed certain things about the way he/she acts, this person may feel a whole lot better. I'm not condemning the way of life he/she is living, but I'm not condoning it.

So if you read this and think it's you, don't think of it as an attack, but as a helping hand. We all need them sometimes.

I think Oprah would agree. :)

--Profound Jam


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