
In Essence

Gooooood morning!

I had a first year english exam yesterday, and frankly I think I did really well! I studied for a while in the days prior and I finished every question to the best of my ability, and in essence I am really proud of myself! I just hope I get a 60% or higher in that course, because otherwise I have to take another first year english next year (and then I'll die.. that would be bad for my health).

I'm going to Leanne's tonight! Yaaay! I wonder if she has a tan? I doubt it.. she's pale like me lol. I'm stayin til Friday, and then going to Leon's to play badminton at his gay badminton club on Saturday (I'm not being rude.. it's actually a gay/lesbian badminton club.. and no, I didn't think those existed either). So excited aaaah!

In Essence, a pop/R&B group of the early 2000's, reached my playlist recently with the song "Friend of Mine" from 2003 (ish). It's SO great. Yeah, nothing else to say about that.

Guess where this is from:

*Ding Dong* Go to hell.
*Ding Dong, Ding Dong* Go to hell go to hell.

HAaaa it's from Desperate Housewives! Duh! I'm gonna go watch some episodes now.

--Doorbell Jam


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