
Summer Blues

Well Howdy!

So I've coined a new term: the summer blues. I don't know about you, but I love the weather in the summer. The warmth, the bright sun, the more freckles, the opportunity to tan (if you can.. damn you), and just the overall feeling of renewed life every year. But I really find the summers to be a contradictory time in my life.

Okay, let's take the events which are taking/will take place this summer. Natalie and Heather have left me as the sole survivor of the upstairs crew at Summers Castle, and Heidi and possibly Athena are leaving for the summer to return to their fams: loneliness. I was finally getting into a schedule in my schoolwork, acheiving some actual good grades and becoming studious Jam, but now I am forced for 1/3 of the year to work in a job I am not committed to and which is not striving for a common goal as my schoolwork: disjointedness. I've been looking for a job for weeks now and I can't find anything. I have tons of experience in different fields, but searching for a job is always like this. 1000% effort, 0.1% return: demoralizing.

I think it's almost ridiculous that we as Canadians have to work in the summers when we're students. I would much rather be taking another semester of courses so I can finish quicker. Our education system should be set up that way so that we, as Canadian citizens working for the country through taxes, can reach our goals sooner and enter the workforce earlier. It's confusing work-ethic with a forced work-necessity and I hate it. I do not get to enjoy my summer, but rather work my ass off in a dead-end job for four months so that I can go to school for eight and do it all over again.

The summer blues effect a lot of us as students and I think we should all move to Japan where they go to school all year round! Who's with me? Eh?


--Jam with the summer blues

My hero of the day: Leanne, for coming back! Luvz ya!


Blogger Maya said...

I'll go to Japan! I'll take summer courses! Just gimme the money to do so.. man I wish I could.

11:00 PM  

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