



...well, I didn't really die, but WHOA! I miss people and stuff soooo much!

I miss Heidi! She needs to come back and make tea and play DDR! I've actually stopped playing DDR much at all because I have no one to play it with! *cries*

I miss Heather! She was my go-to gurl and my neighbour and now she's GONE! *cries more* I need her here to go and have Friends' dates and bitch about everything! Waaaah!

I miss Danny! I realize he only left for vacation this morning, but I haven't seen him since Monday and I miss his smirk! I even miss that he's a billion feet taller than me! *cries and dies.. but not really, again*

I miss Sheba! My pretty kitty, tormented by my mom's dogs that replaced me! I need to go hug her, and then run away before she eats my face! Awwww, my grumpy baby! *tear*

I miss school! Can you believe it? I actually miss school!?! I wanna just take courses and learn interesting things and have papers due! Boredom is worse than schoool! Blaaaarg! Graaaaagh! Maaaaaaaps!

Maps indeed.

--Sad Jammie-pie

Oh, oh! I forgot to tell you! I got a bag from the LCBO and it has four pouches for liquor so they don't hit each other and I love it!!! Woooo! *cheers up a li'l*... but I still miss my kitty! Graaaalrgh!


Blogger Paixão said...

You forgot to say that you miss Leanne after 1 hour because shes the greatest person ever and you will die because of it! *dead*

3:53 AM  
Blogger Athena said...

Poor Jammy

5:27 PM  

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