
This Just In!


So just a quick update. As many of you know, I'm going through some pretty major crap right now. I'd rather not be asked about it, because it's kind of hard to express and explain, but when I have a definite resolution and answer, I'll write about it. For now, let's just say I'm a discontent Jam.

I had an interview today at Old Navy and it went super fabulouso! I think it would be so fun to work there because it's so relaxed and fun and yeah. Probably a lot of tedious work like folding and stuff, but I can handle that. I can handle n-e-than.

Since I had such good feedback about my Top 100 Songs of All Time, I'm going to do a Top 100 Movies! This one'll take me longer to do, but stay tuned for it in the upcoming posts. Same Jam time. Same Jam channel.

--Same Jam


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