
Movies, Moving In, Moving On

Yes I'm aware it's 5:18am. No more outta you.

I can't sleep at all... just today I said to Dan that I never get insomnia and that people who do are weird and broken. Damnit.

So I decided since I love movies so much to keep a running tab of my faves of the moment, as well as movies I really need to see.

Now on your left, ladies and gentlemen, you will see a brand new section in the sidebar called "Movie Reel". And on your right, a lion eating a walrus.

Also in movies, Dustin and I are making a short film! *screams like a school girl* I think it's gonna be kind of artsy, but it'll be good. Scout's honour. It'll be good for me to get back into film making and all that, and good for Dustin to do a film that's not like others he's made. And it's good for you because you're gonna love it, and then good for me cause from you loving it, I get an ego boost. Sweet.

Moving In
So tomorrow (err, wait. I guess today..) Craig is moving in! He's subletting Heather's room for July and possibly August and it's gonna be so fun! We're gonna stay up late and do each other's hair and.. wait, that's the Babysitter Twins.

Seriously though, it's gonna be nice to have him around. I'm sure he gets bored with his current roomies (I mean, they have to be boring in comparison to me).

He just better not be a slob or.. *shakes fist*.

Moving On
Also, this morning I have a meeting with some lady from Brock who's basically going to decide my fate (oh boy oh boy!). I think she decides which appeals go through and which do not. Although mine already failed due to no medical reason (maybe I can make up a disease.. Count Choculitis?), I'm still gonna go in there and be all dramatic and such.

"But I already picked my courses! It took so much effort!"
"I have no family to go home to! They replaced me with a dog!"
"This is because I'm gay, isn't it? That's discrimination! I'll sue!"

..etcetera, etcetera.

However, if I don't get in (garr..), then I guess I'm ready to move on. The last couple months have been really tough, thinking about all my options and what "could" happen, but it's finally coming to some sort of a close and it's almost a relief. I mean my options are clear now and I just need to make whatever-needs-to-happen happen. Capisce? (kah-peesh)

Well, dat's all for now. OH! Before I forget, in my insomniac boredom, I kept doing the "next blog" thing and found Lili, a Hawaiian beauty who seems to lead an interesting life. Although I guess she could be making it all up and getting those wedding pictures doctored. In any case, she's also been added to the sidebar. Enjoy!

--Late Night Jam

PS - I stole Count Choculitis from the show "The Office". I'm a big fraud. *hides in the corner*

No walruses were harmed in the production of this entry. I drank some koolaid and sneezed twice, but that's it.


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