
Be Impressed


..ya I dunno.

So in the past couple years I've met some people who have this opinion on society. I find it's like a trend that people, intellectuals no doubt, are "unimpressed" by other people. They look down upon the general public's intelligence, their way-of-life, their ambitions (or lack there of), etc. It borders on, if not completely is, a superiority complex.

First of all, I'd like to say I can definitely relate. I mean I consider myself to be a brilliant and machiavellian man. I see the stupidity, the ignorance, and the unimpressive traits that a lot of people have. That being said, I am utterly amazed at society. I'm amazed that someone designed this computer. I'm amazed that humans walk and talk (and go to Brock.. aaaah ha, I'm so funny). I'm amazed that I have the ability to make a "bad" joke, meaning humans can differentiate something as simple as one joke from another.

Humans are incredible! I think we're so far above all other species, in terms of technology and adaptation, that we don't stop to think how really fascinating the human race actually is. The "dumbest" person I can think of I still revere as remarkable. I use my abilities that I was given to embark on recovering answers to the why's: "Why did he say that?", "Why does he choose to do that?", etc.

This superiority complex that my friends seem to have really needs to stop. What good is it to look down upon others, to eliminate any possible interaction with them? To automatically judge is to rid yourself of a more open, less naive mind. Judging is not a bad thing; it's merely something that can only be done with the proper amount of fact (in my opinion, of course).

Anyway, the point to my li'l rant is that if you allow people to show you who they are and why they're interesting, without first judging them as unimpressive or the like, I think it will lead to a better outlook on life because of the surprises you'll find in each and every person.

--Positive Jam


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Nat gives a standing ovation!* Well said! Always a good thing to live by. Its about finding those little things that make everyone different and special, and appreciating them instead of dismissing them. :) lol wow that sounded corny... but its true! YAY JAMMER!

2:00 PM  

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