Coming Soon!
I have an update in the works, but I have to scan in some stuff for it. It shall include:
Karaoke Results
Laughing to Lose Weight
New Great Music
..and MORE!
Tune in to find out what the dilly I'm talkin' 'bout!
**Okay, it's past three A.M. and my phone just rang. I went to answer it and they hung up. Oh, and I think I'm in the middle of a horror film, apparantly.**
--Jammalamma Ding Dong
I was sleeping and I thought I heard it ring but I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, and I remember thinking it was weird 'cause it was the middle of the night.
I think Jammy was a little sleepy when he posted this. Crazy phone ringing.
Well, I heard it too..
I wasn't disbelieving the ring. It was the Jammalammadingdong that I was refering to.
No more bickering you two or I'll turn this blog around and go straight home!
LOL awwww I love you guys.
That was Nat by the way lol
wow... i feel tension... let's take a deeeeeep breath roomies! lol
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