
The 2:46 Religion Building

Evenin! er... mornin? I dunno. Nightin.

So I couldn't sleep, so here I be. I haven't been posting as much recently basically because I don't do.. anything. I mean, today I went to Thorold, picked up my mail *all junk*, picked up my passport, and got an Xmas book from Athena on how to get a life lol and how appropriate it is! But yeah, that's a busy day.

It's one week until I leave for Barbados and I'm becoming less excited (yeah, weird). I mean I'm so excited to go somewhere I've never been and experience the tropics and all that jazz, but at the same time, money's tight, and I know I'll have to bust my butt to find a job as soon as I get back. Also, I have to get in a bunch of paperwork so that I can send away my school application before I leave. One of my references is taking her sweet time, so I got her back on track today. I enjoy being a leader-type sometimes, but sometimes the others need more that one nudge. Not so fun.

The other thing is the person I'm going to Barbados with has become severly less fun since I signed on to this trip in the Spring. It's just going to be.. odd. Yeah.

I go to my father's wife's family's house tomorrow, and boy oh boy, I think I'd rather jump in hot acid. Hmmm *ponders*. Unfortunately, I'm short on huge vats of hot acid, so I must go. As mostly everyone knows, hanging out with a bunch of square middle-aged bible thumpers is not my idea of a good time, but I can deal with it for one day every three or four months I suppose. I think I might bring my PS2 and my DDR mat and introduce all the kids to the game. Good idea? Bad idea? I think it'll be great. I can avoid the adults who will ridicule me for being agnostic and a flunkie, and I can tire out the wee ones with music that I enjoy, all the while I can still drink wine, because a day with the fam without wine would be suicide. Oops, wrong word. Homicide.

Any ideas what I should get Loretta for a gift? We're exchanging gifts in Barbados so that we have something to open, so we're just getting each other something small (>$20).

Li'l update on me and Ralphie (cutest name ever.. it's actually Raul, which to me sounds very sexy, but Ralphie is cute, so I'm torn lol). He's so incredibly shy, so once I break him open, I think I'll ask him out if I like what I see. (Is that what you call it? "Ask him out"? I mean, we've already went out.. I mean go steady, but that sounds like I should get a malt from the diner after the soc hop.) I think I'm going out with him and his friends before I leave, so I should get to see what he's really like. Oh, and if you want any references on how hot he is, I'll ask Leanne to comment to this post on the fact that although he has an adorable face, his body is anything but adorable, unless broad shoulders are now adorable lol. *ahem* Anywhooo lol.

Well, I'm off to bed. I need at least some sleep if I'm going to survive tomorrow with any ounce of sanity. Oh wait, I got rid of that stuff when I called Lisa "pasta flakes" last night lol. Yeah, I dunno either.

--Nighttime Jam

PS: The heading is because I'm listening to "Comfort Eagle" by Cake, which is definitely going to make my Top 150. Great, great song.

PPS: Where are my big fans that used to comment all the time? *looks in Heather and Nat's direction*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm heeeere!!! Just got super busy... I'm scared, exams start tomorrow *shaking* and it's English *more shaking*...
I think the DDR thing is a super idea... what better way to avoid the people you don't care to talk to while at the same time making it look like you're taking care of the kids for them so they all think "aww isn't he great taking care of the kids for us!" lol
p.s. what's with the word verification thing when i post a comment now?

11:23 AM  
Blogger Jam said...

The word verification is so that those ad-bot things can't comment on my blog. :)


3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here tooooo!!! I'm glad you keep this blog going Jam, it fills a little bit of the void you left behind :( At least we get a regular dose of Jam every once in awhile :) Yay!! I hope you have a SUPER time in Barbados! *nat gives jam the jealous eye...* oops! Did i do that? hehe

11:56 AM  

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