
And Was Three Yes Potato

Howdy ho!

Hahahha, I called you a ho!

Anyho, nothing's really going on, but I'm trying to be a good little Jam and post more often. I think my cat (Lisa's cat who lives in my room) just fell out of my chair. Oh well, he'll be fine.

Hmm what to write? It's Lindsay's bday and my Nana's bday next Wednesday. What to buy, what to buy? Make something? Too tired. Pick something up? But what? But what?

*The above was a bad replication of the annoying Subway commercials. It in no way makes Jam liable for anything because.*

Boy oh boy, I'm in a weird mood! But seriously, I have no clue what to buy them. I shall have to go shopping this weekend. Any takers on being my shopping buddy? Eh? Eh? Eh? Ehhhhh? *throws a pencil*

I'm starting at the gym four times a week beginning Monday. Eep! ..not much else to say about that. Eep pretty much covers it.

Omigosh, this hawt black guy came in to the bank today and was smiley and goofy and I think he has a crush on me. Tee hee! I love it!

Hmmmmm, well that's it. I'm gonna go make me some MEAT! Mmmmmmmeat! Bwa ha!

--Bwa Jam

PS: I HATE that Subway commercial!


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