
Two's Day


I'm so sleepy. I hit my alarm for an hour and I'm still sleepy. Look, I just yawned again! I guess you couldn't see that.. slacker.

Anywho, here I am on Tuesday. What's up with everyone slackin' on their blogs besides me and Heidi? I'm trying to make it to 400 posts before I leave (for some reason). I had a dream that I found Liz's new blog address. It wasn't easy to find lol. I was like a sleuth and I was scanning texts in the library and these hitmen showed up, but I managed to rip out the paper and I got it! Take that Liz! LOL! ..seriously, you gotta give me your new addy. I have no life and I'm blog-addicted.

I wanna learn more HTML stuff this summer. I want to add a bunch of stuff to Jam's Blog, including phrases I say all the time randomly generated at the top of the screen, but I don't know how to do any of that. I also wanted to do volunteer at the GLBT centre at MUN, and they haven't updated their website in a long time, so maybe I'll see if I can take charge of that (lol I don't even know these people or that club or anything and I'm already making plans. Rock, rock on!).

I'm down to two twoonies to last me until Thursday lol thank Jebus have hamburgers and hot dogs so I don't starve. I doubt I could starve in this house though. Leanne always makes huge big salad things for whatever reason, and Romeo is like 25lbs, so we could always have Romeo steaks lol. I'm kidding >.>

I started using those little faces that hardcore internet people use, like:


It's weird. The second one is supposed to be happy, I think, or about to sneeze. It's okay, li'l guy, I'll get you a kleenex!

Ohhhh boy. Time for a nap in the shower.

--Wet Sleeping Jam


Blogger Maya said...

Not really hardcore internet people faces. Moreso anime faces prolly. Hardcore people are too cool to ^^, they like to :D and =P.

I think ^.^ is supposed to be like a cute surprised face or something... kinda like :o only anime.
^^ is just cute or sweet and ^_^ is supposed to be supah happy. Or something. o.o That's at least what I associate them with.

Oh and the owl face is for being weirded out or unsure or something. >.> And that's shifty, very unsure or embarassed. =P And that is my "hardcore" internet face. lol.

I like the kitty, only it looks beter with the underline that blogger doesn't want me to have.

Long enough comment? I think so..

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You silly goose! I gave it to you in my last comment like 4 days ago!!! You just had to click on my name. So here, click on my name now, and it will take you there. I wondered why you hadn't commented yet. lol

11:10 AM  

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