
The Iceburg Crasheth

So, I want to make something clear and point out something that is bothering me more than probably anything has in the last six months.

Since I have decided to come back to school, I have received nothing but grief from very close friends and family, as well as many other individuals. Even though I know I am here for good reason, even though I am doing ridiculously well compared to my past post-secondary experiences, I continue to have relentless and horrible criticism regarding my choice. Here is why:

My name is Jam and I am an english literature / philosophy double-major.

Yes, I understand there are hardly any jobs that can come from this bachelor degree directly. I know that. You don't need to tell me. You also don't need to make cracks about my degree, about my choices. Some things said have been jokes, some have been criticisms, but all are hurtful and unnecessary. By "kidding", you are judging my intelligence and my ability to make a rational, informed choice. I am doing this degree because I excel at both subjects, I find great interest in both, and I truly believe that this is what I am supposed to be doing in order to succeed.

If you have a problem with my choice, keep it the fuck* to yourself. If you joke to me, if you say something about another person's degree that happens to be the same as mine, if you do anything that criticizes my degree, I find it hurtful. I want it to stop, immediately. I can't listen to you say something about my choice as if I'm some mentally retarded, unintelligent, irrational individual, without thinking less of you. I can't. I would never think or voice that about another individual if they were doing what they believed to be in their best interest. Ever.

This is not aimed at anyone in particular, but rather at everyone. Everyone should know that these jokes and critiques are disgusting.

I don't want to hear apologies. I don't want to listen to excuses or some sort of ridiculous defense. I just want it to never, ever enter my ear again.

Ellen Degeneres, in her HBO special "Here and Now" had a joke about how people do not know how to kid. "Well then you don't know how to kid properly," she said, "'cause we should both be laughing." Please try to remember that.


*I don't swear in my everyday life unless I become very upset. This is one of the worst "acceptable" opinions post-secondary society has, in my opinion, therefore I'm pretty gosh-darn upset.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey James!

I am not one of those people whom have ridiculed you, but I would still like to voice my opinion. I think you are doing something right for your life. It is ALWAYS a good idea to receive education...whatever the subject matter may be. The smart people are those who choose to better themselves everyday of their lives. I am extremely proud of you for going back to school. It is really hard for any individual to do so. Plus, you are doing very well in your classes, so there should be absolutely NO need for any criticism. As for your choice of subject...I find nothing wrong in it. In fact, if any of these people know you...they should know that it is the perfect choice for you! And even if I did find something wrong in your choice of subject...it would be none of my damn business to say anything.

So to you James....you're doing the right thing, and I support you through it all!

Good luck buddy!

3:46 PM  

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