

A is for age: Twenty-two, baby!
B is for booze: Tequila makes me feel-a so fine.
C is for Career: I'm a STUD(ent). I used to be a BANK(er).
D is for dad's name: Paul.
E is for Essential items to bring to a party: Um.. also tequila?
F is for Favorite song at the moment: Loud Electronic Ferocious by Ferry Corsten. (You can listen to it on my Myspace!)
G is for Girl friends: I have SO many.. I'd say 95% of my friends are hawt gurls.
H is for Hometown: Brantford. It smells.
I is for Instruments you play: Piano, and the instrument of the MIND! ..yeah, I don't know.
J is for Juicy Gossip: Britney was out with Paris and Lindsay and wasn't wearing any undies. Oh, sorry, that's not juicy - that's NASTY!
K is for Kraft Dinner: Middle-income family, therefore I grew up in this crap.
L is for Love: I love myself and my kitty and my friends and the sun and my family and Barbados and candy and Christmas and broccoli.
M is for Mom's name: Pauline. Yes, I'm aware it's extremely similar to my dad's name. I understand it's very weird and could be the source to all my mental problems. Shh.
N is for being Notty: Do you mean "naughty", Mr. Quiz? If you do, I'm not. I'm an innocent li'l boy.
O is for Overnight hospital stays: Yeah, I've had a couple of those. Wee?
P is for phobia(s): Spiders, jumping into water, heights.
Q is for Quotes you like: "To settle is to fail."
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Well, friendship would be Lindsay - 17 years - holy cow! Longest relationship would be.. um.. maybe the one I had in my mind with Leon, or possibly MPhil.
S is for Siblings: Josh, 18 - Brittany, 16 - Jacob, 7
T is for Time you wake up: Different every day.. but normally around 8.
U is for Unique trait: Hmmm.. I have a freakishly huge smile, I can turn my tongue 180 degrees, AND I have freckles. Unbelievable!
V is for Vegetable you love: Cauliflower is tasty.
W is for Worst trait: Self-involved.
X is for X-rays: I broke my arm once, so I've had that done. Oh, and the man with the drill too.
Y is for yummy food you make: I made an eggnog cheesecake once - Mmm, mmm, good!
Z is for Zodiac sign: I'm a scale, baby.



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