
Friday: The Amazing Day

Hello, ladies and gents.

In case you were not aware, Friday was a "Friday the 13th" when we're all supposed to have bad luck, with black cats and broken mirrors gallore. There are lots of people who actually avoid doing anything worthwhile on that day, for the evil luck gods in the sky will smite them, and then you would be smoten and nobody likes that.

I, on the other hand, had one of the best days since I have been in Newfoundland.

Let's go from least-best thing to best-best thing, shall we? Yes. Yes, we shall. Luckily they seem to go chronologically. My life is just so blog-convenient.

I have been doing badly in one of my english courses, and, with much evil laughter from my much evil professor, our exam landed on Friday the 13th. I studied my tooshie off days before, re-read almost everything, and really went into the exam prepared. It paid off. I had to write two essays using two choices of ten questions and I think I did really well. C+ at the least, I'd say. So amen to having that course over, and amen to kicking some evil prof tooshie.

I ran into my amazing friend Rae as I left my exam. I don't see her very often so it was nice to have her tag along with me and have some JamRae time. It's obviously the best time there is.

After my exam, I went to get another english essay back (B+ on that, I might add), and my professor had written a comment saying that she loves my ideas on all my papers and that I should apply for the honours english program! I was so flattered, and it even says that she would help me go about getting in, so maybe I'll be an honours student! Go team Jam!

I ran into my grammar prof shortly after I got this essay back. I wanted to know my mark because if I got 94 or above on the exam, I come out of the course with an A+ (above 89). She wouldn't tell me my mark because she hadn't given out any marks as of yet. I begged and pleaded, in classy Jam form, and just asked if I got above 94. She nodded and said "but you didn't hear it from me." I jumped up and down for about two hours. My first university A+.

Later that day, I was feeling good mentally but kind of sick, so I just sat in bed on MSN (it cures what ails ya). Lo-and-behold, the guy that liked the host last week, the one who I wanted to ask out, asked me to come over for drinks and to go out drinking. I didn't really think much of it, just a fun night out with a new person, since I assumed he and the host were still dating. Like many of my thoughts on guys, I was wrong. Things with the two of them hadn't panned out. Interesting.

We drank some wine (a bottle each, good lord) and then, once excessively drunk, proceeded downtown. We had been flirting a bit, but I didn't think much of it either. Once downtown, we mingled with one of his friends and danced for a good hour. I do remember at one point grinding with him even though we were at a straight club. Good times.

We got back to his place, chatted a little more, and went to bed. I don't even remember asking to stay, or being asked to stay, but it just felt like the right thing to do because we had been getting along so well. I mentioned it and he said "it's a good decision" or something along those lines. (This section was all interpretive, as it's all very blurry.

We lied in bed for hours and finally kissed. I don't remember exactly how I asked it, but I asked if this is a booty call or if he actually likes me.

He likes me.

He pursued me! Remember how I asked for that in the last post? I said I wasn't even going to deal with guys unless they came after me, and then it happened. It was a great night, so relaxing resting with him for most of the morning, and he even made me breakfast (a gigantic breakfast - is he telling me I'm too thin? haha..). We're going out again this week and I have to say, I am more excited about him than I have been about a guy in years.

Take that, Friday the 13th! I'm looking forward to the next one.

--Jam the 1st


Blogger Athena said...

I've always thought that Friday the 13th is a lucky day. It wasn't at all for me this time, but all of its shortcomings were ammended by Saturday the 14, which is just as rare, and therefore just as lucky.

Anywho, I'm glad yours went so super-great!

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That day sounds FANTASTIC!!! I hope your luck continues through the week! Good luck with your date this week! ;) I hope it goes well...let me know how it goes!


2:15 PM  

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